One of the key breakthroughs I’ve made in my chakra research involves chakra vortexes, a key part of chakra anatomy. These vortexes are how chakras move information and life-giving energy back and forth between your body and your emotions, memory, mind, and intuition. This is important to maintain health and wellness and make good decisions.

Graphic depiction of front and back chakra vortexes.

Figure 1: Here, chakra vortexes extend from the front and back of the body. This is very common in our society but not supportive for our lifestyle.

If you search for chakra images on the internet, you’ll find many graphics that show vortexes extending from both the front and back of the body. This is indeed a common presentation, and I see it in many new clients.

But front and back vortexes are not ideal for those who need motivation to move forward in life, maintain or improve their standard of living, find or keep a job, or strive to attain goals.

Origin of Back Chakra Vortexes

It may help to understand where the concept of back vortexes came from. Most information about chakras originated from yogis who spent many hours a day meditating.

For them, a healthy chakra presentation does indeed include both front and back vortexes. Half of the chakra extends out the front of the body and half out the back.

This presentation supports a monastic lifestyle. It allows yogis to quiet the mind and live in a meditative state, free of the demands of our society. They don’t have to worry about getting a job, managing relationships, or preserving their energy. So they don’t need to project their chakras fully forward to make a living.

Why You Need Fully Forward Chakras

To be successful in life—whatever that means to you—our chakras need to be at their maximum length, extending fully forward. Only then will we have the energy and momentum we need to maintain our lifestyle.

Figure 2: This healthy heart chakra vortex is reaching through all layers of the aura. The supraphysical layer is shown in green, the emotional layer in pink, the causal/memory layer in gold, the mental layer in blue, and the intuitive layer in indigo.

In addition, chakras that only project forward can share information about what’s happening in our body with all layers of our energy field, as they pass through the emotional, memory, mental, and intuitive bodies. (See Figure 2.)

On the return flow back to the body, they collect feedback from each layer so we can become aware of what we truly intuit, think, and feel.

We also better remember lessons learned in the past, so we’re less likely to repeat mistakes in the future.

When chakras extend in both the front and the back, they can’t reach into the mental body. That means we can’t access our mental faculty for the creative, mechanical, and intellectual thinking we rely on in our everyday lives.

For a person with chakra vortexes that are fully extended, reaching all layers of the aura, relatively short daily meditations or other spiritual practices don’t build back vortexes. Instead, they allow the person to find peace, calm down, and revitalize—similar to the benefits of a good night of sleep. This might be exactly what a person needs to maintain their forward momentum in life.

Additionally, when a front chakra reaches fully forward, the back vortex flattens to become a shield-like spiral. This provides a great deal of protection, which we also need in the Western world.

How Beliefs Affect Chakra Vortexes

Beliefs are powerful mental constructs. When you believe something about how your energy field should be, it will manifest and be that way. This is why positive thinking can be so powerful; you truly are what you think, and beliefs are based on thought.

I see this very often in my first-time clients. They’ve seen images of front and back chakra vortexes and believe that’s how they should appear, so their energy field accommodates.

When they finally experience what it’s like to have all chakras reaching forward fully, it’s a freeing moment. Suddenly they have a wealth of new energy for healing and enjoying life.

As their chakras reach the mental and intuitive layers of their aura, new information becomes available so they can make better choices. It sweeps in like a fresh breeze.

If you came to this article with the idea that front and back chakra vortexes were the ideal, I encourage you to try letting that image go. Replace it with your chakras extending fully forward to reach all layers of your aura. Then notice how you begin to feel.

This image will serve as a healthier model for your chakras so that, in turn, they can serve you better. You’ll get the information you need to make the best decisions you can and start living your full-spectrum life.

Applied Chakra Analysis

Using Applied Chakra Analysis, you can evaluate each chakra’s direction, length, strength, and shape, and assess the meanings of any anomalies you find. The information you gain will help you understand how chakra anomalies affect your health, or that of your clients or patients.

Learn how to work with your own chakras in my six-week online course, GDI 122: The Applied Chakra Analysis Method.

The Gemstone Therapy Institute Diamond Therapy certified practitioners are qualified to provide clients with comprehensive chakra evaluation and correction. Visit our practitioner directory and contact them if you are interested.

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