
It seems that the mainstay of distant healing is to send light to your client.

I am against this with every fiber of my being.

It violates the client’s personal space, completely disregards their own light and sovereignty, and creates an unhealthy reliance on the practitioner. In short, it demonstrates a potentially harmful lack of understanding about how distant healing works.

Since 2010, I have given thousands of Diamond and Gemstone Therapy distant healing sessions, and all my clients—no matter how sick they might be—have a light within them that is beautiful, healthy, and pure. It represents their unique energetic signature, their spiritual beingness, and the source of their own capacity to self-heal.

Everyone has this light.

Nobody needs someone else to channel light for them.

In my classes on how to give safe, meaningful, and effective distant healing sessions, I teach practitioners to respect their clients’ inner light and its sanctity. I remind them that their job is to clear obstacles that prevent that light from coming forward, to provide the nourishment the client needs to receive it, and to support that light to come forward on its own. But not to send light.

Some may argue that they’re simply channeling universal light, or light from a pure source, and it’s healing for anyone. But if a practitioner has one drop of emotion or thought or desire to see her client get better, then some of her own light will contaminate the pure light. The client will receive the practitioner’s thoughts and feelings as their own, and these become threads that bind the client to the practitioner. This creates a karmic tie.

Even if the practitioner remains emotionally and mentally neutral, her own light will naturally shape the universal light as it passes through her.

Within the sacred and trusting space of a remote healing session, the client receives this light, and it embeds itself within their body and being.

It may be uplifting at first, but because it is not the client’s own light, their body will eventually treat it as foreign energy. It’s one more thing that needs to be cleared in order for the client’s own light to shine through.

No one, except perhaps a recognized spiritual master, can be such a clear channel for universal light that it arrives to the recipient uncompromised.

But a true spiritual master will know better, and will instead uplift a person’s vibrations so that their own inner light can perform the healing. Then, it’s a karma-free experience. The recipient won’t need to rely on the spiritual master as a source of that light, but will learn to look within to find it.

Reliance is another real problem. Clients who receive light sent from their practitioners learn to rely on that light going forward. After all, it feels immediately uplifting, and it doesn’t require them to make any effort to change, let go, or grow to the point where they can start accessing their own inner light. They just keep looking to the practitioner inwardly to draw the energy they need.

This is one reason a practitioner may feel unusually tired. Even if she doesn’t realize it, she’s still providing clients with light. For this reason alone, it is dangerous to send light to others.

Why teach your clients to look anywhere else but their highest, truest light?

Figure 1: What it looks like from above when a practitioner (in the red shirt) sends light to a client remotely.

Another reason sending light is dangerous is the impact it has on the client’s aura. To understand this better, let’s take a look at the mechanics of what happens when one person sends light to another.

The following illustrations show the energetic relationship between client and practitioner in a remote session space.

In Figure 1, the practitioner is sending light to her client and, in doing so, encroaching on the client’s space. Look what happens to the client’s aura.

It is forced into receiving and into being vulnerable. Unless the practitioner consciously stops sending light and pulls back, that opening between client and practitioner will remain throughout the session—and even longer.

Figure 2: The light sent by the practitioner can damage the client’s aura and cause energy to leak out. 

With this connection, the client remains susceptible to the practitioner’s thoughts and emotions and can pick them up, thinking they’re their own.

Having entered the client’s space, when the practitioner retreats and pulls back her aura, she will naturally bring some of her client’s energy with her. Now she is contaminated by this energy, and it adds to her own burden.

Figure 2 illustrates another consequence of sending light. In this case, the light damages the client’s aura. Perhaps the client has not given permission to the practitioner to send light or is unaware that the practitioner is sending light at all.

Initially, the breach allows in more light, and the feeling is uplifting. But as the client’s energy leaks out of that breach, they end up feeling drained instead.

While sending light poses many risks, I don’t think most practitioners who do so intend to cause harm. I believe the issue is simply a lack of awareness and a need for education. This was the main reason I created my course GDI 171: How to Give Safe, Meaningful, and Effective Distant Healing Sessions.

A cornerstone of this course is self-forgiveness for the lack of understanding you may have had about how energies work and for sending light in the past. Respect for a client’s light isn’t something that’s generally practiced at this time, but I hope to change that.

The more you understand and respect the basic mechanics of the session space, the better you can support your client—and protect yourself while holding space, clearing unwanted energy, and moving into deeper levels of rapport.

You can learn all of this and much more in my course.

GDI 171 is taught twice a year. Click below to see dates for the next class, starting soon!

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    Paula says:

    I want to thank you for this enlightening info! My instincts always told me it was not a good idea! Loved this class and am grateful that you get this info out to people!🙏🏽