GDI 122 Gemstones and Tools

Here are the tools needed for GDI 122: The Applied Chakra Analysis Method:

Chakra Guardian – gemandala, necklace, or bracelet.
Rising Light – gemandala, necklace, or bracelet.
Aura Spray Pack – includes Energy Clearing, EMR Clearing, and 7-Color-Ray Diamond.
Therapy Wand – one for each necklace or bracelet.
Therapy Rod – one for each gemandala (beeswax included).

**All are eligible to be purchased using your bonus credit.

If you’d like help choosing, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with our concierge: email or call (877) 443-6436.

All-inclusive Gemandala Kit ($600)

Chakra Guardian Gemandala Gem Pack

Rising Light Gemandala Gem Pack

Chakra Guardian Necklace

Chakra Guardian Bracelet

Rising Light Necklace

Rising Light Bracelet

Aura Spray Pack
Available in 2 oz or 4 oz packs.

Therapy Rod
For use with gemandalas.

Therapy Wand
For use with necklaces or bracelets.