In researching the energetics of viral infections, I’ve been given a protocol that can be used for COVID-19 that I’ve shared with the Gemstone Therapy Institute advanced practitioners. It is a purely energetic method and is therefore meant to be practiced remotely.
Clients who have received this protocol all report feeling better the following day, and a few sense an improvement before the session ends. This protocol does not cure any disease; that’s not what gemstones do. But it does nourish and vitalize the body, clear unwanted energy, and make it easier for the immune system to overcome coronavirus infections—COVID-19 in particular.
Here’s how it works.
A practitioner begins by checking for overall alignment. Since misalignment underlies other key causes of disharmony in the body, correcting it is a good place to begin. This can be done with a Diamond or Gemstone Therapy alignment technique.

The central chakra channel is the nonlocal conduit that feeds the chakras with life-giving energy.
The rest of the protocol is based primarily on Gemstone Therapy tools and skills, but TheraDiamonds™ can be used supportively in many ways.
Next, the chakras are evaluated for at least four types of anomalies. Once they are identified, the practitioner makes the appropriate corrections. Doing so will restore enough energy flows that the body will be prepared for the Virus Disassembly Procedure that follows.
During the chakra evaluation, special attention is given to the central chakra channel. We have found unique deformations in this channel that are associated with COVID-19. At this time, I’m not certain if the virus causes these anomalies, or if something else causes them and that leads to the individual to become more susceptible to infection.
The central chakra channel is an essential part of chakra anatomy that feeds the chakras. It draws in what I call Heaven energy down from above and Earth energy up from below. The two mix behind each chakra to provide it with the ideal ratio of nourishment it needs in any given moment.
However, anomalies found in the central chakra channel cannot be corrected until the viral presence associated with them has been deactivated. So the practitioner will return to the central channel later to correct it.
The Virus Deactivation Protocol begins with a scan of the body and aura using a special Turquoise tool. The scan locates colonies of virus in the body and aura.
Although we tend to think of viruses as only being present in the physical body, they are indeed found in the aura, especially in the outer layers. This can occur when someone has been in an environment where the virus is present; it does not mean that the person is infected, only that they have been exposed. This viral presence is usually relatively easy to release.
After the viral colonies are located, each is given a series of tests. The practitioner will determine the primary color rays feeding the healthy tissue in the area, as well as the symbiotic microbiota supporting that tissue. The body’s microbiome is an important partner to our immune system, so it’s helpful to nourish it as well.
Giving extra color-ray nourishment to this healthy tissue will support its ability to ward off the virus, and help the immune system to act upon it.
Next, the practitioner identifies the viral colony’s signature. This is the energetic imprint the viral colony expresses in relationship to healthy tissue. While all life is fed by energy that can be evaluated in terms of color-ray spectrums, viruses interact with color much differently than human cells and the microbiome do. Viruses from natural sources have a spectrum that consists of only three color rays, whereas our cells are fed by a spectrum of seven. Furthermore, when we test the color rays of a potential colony, it will try to avoid the color-ray gemstones used in the test, which is a sure sign of viral presence.
The next step is to locate the pathway the virus took to get into the body. The practitioner identifies where the virus from the colony she’s working on entered and whether it’s an original colony or one that spread from another colony. This is important to know because daughter colonies tend to be more easily disassembled.
After all the colonies are evaluated, the practitioner may then step back to study the overview of the viral activity in her client’s body. She will assess which colonies to address first based on their size, level of priority, and whether they are daughter colonies. She will certainly want to work with colonies located where symptoms are worst.
When the practitioner has decided on an order of priority, the disassembly can occur. Unlike most unwanted energies that can accumulate in the body and cause unwellness and distress, a virus cannot be extracted. But it can be de-vitalized by removing its color rays. This essentially disconnects the energy that maintains the virus, and once this is gone, it is much easier for the immune system to rid the body of the viral vestiges.
After carefully extracting these color rays, the practitioner will surround them with a containment field once they leave the body—for her own protection. The earth has a magnetic-like attraction to these coronavirus colors, and so its energy is easily deposited there.
Immediately, the practitioner will do a common gemstone clearing of the area using White Beryl & Turquoise to bring in white light and to heal and seal the area. This technique also removes random unwanted energies that may have accumulated in the region. With the viral energy dispersed, they now suddenly come forward and can be removed.
Other colonies are then addressed in a similar way.
If enough time is available before the session ends, the practitioner may test the color rays at the end of the virus’s protein spikes and deactivate them in a similar way. By doing so, she takes the disassembly procedure to the next level.
Now the practitioner can work directly with the central chakra channel’s unusual anomalies. Once they’ve been corrected, life-giving energy flows freely throughout the client’s body and being. This alone can make a client feel better. As energy flows are restored, the client’s immune system can access more supportive resources to do its job.
Essential to all Diamond and Gemstone Therapy sessions is an integration. This work affects the client’s energy field to such a degree that without proper integration, a client can leave a session feeling light-headed or with a sense of disconnection. Clients seem to especially enjoy the verbal integration, although that is only one of several techniques a practitioner may use.
The session ends with a debriefing of what happened during the session and/or any particular sensations or inner experiences the client may have had. Finally, there’s a sharing of gratitude, and the practitioner acknowledges aloud or to herself the honor of being able to serve life in this way.
The Virus Deactivation Protocol is a Gemstone Therapy Level 3 course. To learn more about working with color rays, check out my series of Gemstone Therapy Level 1 color-ray courses.
If you would like to receive a remote session by a qualified GTI practitioner trained in this protocol, visit our COVID-19 support page for listings.
thank you for writing about where the virus entered the aura of the body or the physical body. This was very helpful to me.