My Name is Susan Bradley
I received my Diamond Therapy certification from the Gemstone Therapy Institute in 2021.
My vision is to support individuals on their path into a deeper sense of personal freedom.
My Specialties
Listening for my client’s clear intention to support a deeply relaxing Diamond Therapy experience. Techniques offered include: Chakra Healing, Aura Balancing, and Support for the Systems.
I Believe
I love my life and beauty inspires me. My favorite spot is on my porch listening to the wind blow through the trees with my drawing paper and pencil perched on my lap. I am happiest when the people I love, love me.
Sometimes things aren’t quite right and I sense that somehow I am stuck in the energy of the past or have thrown my attention too far into the future and feel a little, not quite here. Diamond Therapy is my “go to”.
My life changed when I found Diamond Therapy. I gained the willingness to truly be here. Years ago, distracted, irritable and foggy were normal experiences for me. Diamond Therapy supports my new desire to live in this moment with greater health and wellness. Now I recognize when I feel out of sorts and I schedule a session for myself. I feel and understand that my Chakras are out of balance or my body systems are not in sync or maybe my aura is carrying unwanted energies. These imbalances can be eased by a Diamond Therapy session.
We all come into this life with our very own unique gifts and talents. Diamond Therapy can help you open to your inner calling and live a happier more purpose driven life.
Please feel free to contact me to schedule a remote session.
Susan Bradley
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“I expressed to Susan that I was ready to be pregnant. She visited me with absolute ease and compassion. The session left me in a very calm state. I have so much confidence in her ability to hold space and provide care for those in need or wanting to explore the works of diamond therapy.”

“In a perfect world, everyone would be in tune with their bodies; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and would innately know what their bodies need and how to give them what they need for health and balance. The world in which we live is not like that. I think to achieve balance, harmony and health we need help to get us there. This is where Diamond Therapy comes in. I understand it to work with and balance the four bodies to help us achieve our proper and deserved health by helping our bodies heal themselves. Susan is a very kind, able and professional practitioner of Diamond Therapy, and she has helped me achieve better harmony and health; perhaps she can help you.”

“Diamond Therapy is a helpful tool that uncovers my old karmic patterns quickly bringing them to my conscious reality. This helps me recognize and release the baggage. Through Diamond Therapy, I have come to see myself in conscious awareness as a spiritual being living in many spheres, not simply earthbound. It’s been a true blessing.”