  • Accepts new in-person clients.
  • Available for presenting talks, workshops, and/or PowerPoint presentations on Gemstone Therapy to your group.
  • Available to evaluate your main color ray in person.
  • Available to help you select the best therapeutic gemstone necklaces for your individual needs.

“My interest in gemstones began over 20 years ago when Isabelle released her first book. The intriguing descriptions of the gemstones’ missions captivated me. In the years to follow, as public awareness of ‘energy medicine’ increased, I developed my personal ‘energetic skills’ and introduced the value of therapeutic gemstones to my circle of friends and family. Linda Lile was instrumental in this development process until the founding of GEMFormulas and the Gemstone Therapy Institute, which offered a pathway to Gemstone Therapy Practitioner certification. Gemstone Therapy Practitioner certification was a natural, next step to my desire to support family and friends in their own ‘self-exploration’ of their ‘energetic anatomy’. Identifying and correcting the causes of energetic imbalances, correcting blockages, balancing the five elements, supporting the chakras and vitalizing the bodies with color ray spectrums has proven helpful to the people in my life.  Another aide to the improvement of my skills has been the guidance of Dr. Bobby Doscher of the Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center, where I have enjoyed offering gemstone and diamond support to the Center’s patients.”