Level 5 Diamond and Gemstone Therapy Master Practitioner Certification


Master practitioner is the highest title you can earn in Diamond and Gemstone Therapy, and Level 5 is the most advanced level of study we offer. Candidates learn how to do research, conduct that research using Diamond and/or Gemstone Therapy, and then write a paper about their work.

To earn Diamond Therapy Master Practitioner certification with the coveted credentials DTMP, or Gemstone Therapy Master Practitioner certification with the equally coveted credentials GTMP, successfully complete the two courses below and associated criteria.

This is a two-year program. Eligible students will be notified when these courses will be taught next.

Down payment of $400 due by Feb. 18, 2022 plus 10 installments of $200 per month Mar-Dec 2022
Down payment of $600 due by Feb. 18, 2022 plus 10 installments of $300 per month Mar-Dec 2022


Diamond / Gemstone Therapy Mastery Program

The intention of the mastery program is to support scientific research in Diamond & Gemstone Therapy.

Program Details

The two courses needed for Diamond or Gemstone Therapy Master Practitioner certification are called GDI 501 and GDI 550. They’re listed in our Energy Medicine department, which includes courses of interest to both Diamond and Gemstone Therapy students.

Gemstone Therapy Master Practitioner Students
At this time, students who wish to enter the Gemstone Therapy Master Practitioner program must have successfully completed GEM Level 2. Future candidates will also be required to complete GEM Level 4 courses when they become available.

Diamond Therapy Master Practitioner Students
Diamond Therapy students who have successfully completed DIA Level 2 are welcome to register for these classes. Future students will also be required to complete DIA Level 3 courses when they become available. The Diamond Therapy program does not have a Level 4 curriculum planned at this time.

The GDI 501 and 550 courses are shared with Gemstone Therapy mastery students, as the focus is on how to conduct research and write a paper. This is content that applies to both tracks.

Which to Choose?
Many of our students have completed both Diamond and Gemstone Level 2 studies. They’ll declare which type of master certification they want to pursue by the third class, when it should be clear what they want to research and which approach they primarily want to take.

Those who complete one master practitioner program and would like to attain certification in the other do not have to repeat GDI 501. They may want to repeat GDI 550 for the support it provides.