Dream On™ Necklace: White Quartz with Charoite & Indigo

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Our Dream On necklace consists of Charoite, Indigo, and White Quartz.

Wearing this necklace supports clear intuition, enhances dream recall, and strengthens the brow chakra to give you keen insight into overcoming your daily challenges.

Great for:
Getting in touch with your intuition • Learning to trust and follow your inner guidance • Settling your energies • Remembering your dreams

Quality System


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Wearing Charoite & Indigo or Dream On Can Help You:

  • Develop your intuition.
  • Identify your unique ways of gaining intuition.
  • Broaden the range of topics for which intuition and insights are available to you.
  • Enhance dream recall and understanding.
  • Develop common sense through keen insight into the solutions to everyday problems.

Wear Charoite & Indigo or Dream On to enhance dream recall and develop clearer intuition. Everyone’s intuition speaks to them in a unique and personal way. By wearing Dream On, you’ll begin to identify your way and develop it. By strengthening and nourishing your brow chakra and your intuitive body, these gemstones help you get full access to the information you need for keen insight into the solutions to your daily problems. Part of our Aura Nourishing Collection, the Dream On formula consists of Charoite, with symbiotic Indigo and White Quartz.


Charoite energy vitalizes and nourishes the intuitive body. When this aspect of you is healthy, your intuition becomes clearer and more readily available. You’re more likely to remember your dreams, which can become more frequent and meaningful.


Indigo provides the indigo color ray, which nourishes the brow chakra. This chakra is primarily responsible for accessing the intuitive body and relaying information to the body and brain. By nourishing the brow chakra, Indigo provides a smoother pathway for the information that Charoite brings forth. The individual wearing Charoite & Indigo or Dream On is then more likely to recognize the insights and act upon them.

White Quartz

In the Dream On formula, White Quartz draws the Charoite and Indigo energies to those areas where they are most deficient. Thus, true repair can occur on those areas of the intuitive body that have been damaged or so weakened that intuition is impaired.

About Our Necklaces

Our necklaces comprise all the innovations in gemstone necklace therapy to ensure you have the most effective healing tools available.

  • Our gemstones are natural and therapeutic quality, which means they are at the top of their class in color, clarity, and brightness. Although quality parameters vary for each individual gemstone, we carefully select every bead to make sure you get the very best.
  • We use spheres and rondels because they evenly radiate the gemstones’ energies throughout the wearer’s body and aura.
  • All our necklaces are strung with symbiotic gemstones that catalyze, support, or strengthen the work of the primary gem. Not only do symbiotic necklaces work more effectively and efficiently, but they also feel better energetically and look more balanced and beautiful. A primary gem and its symbiotic encourage healthy relationships and can help balance the forces of yin and yang throughout your body and being.
  • All our necklaces have a clasp, which we feel is essential. When you open a clasp, the gems release a significant amount of unwanted energy they collected during use. The clasp also allows you to arrange the necklace in a spiral during storage so that the gems can regenerate themselves. In addition, clasps make it possible to wrap gems around a therapy wand to apply in the aura or lay the gemstones across your body for an easy and restful self-therapy.
  • We string using nylon thread. Nylon is strong, doesn’t fray or stretch like other threads, and is made of a simple chain of molecules. Nylon energy has a negligible effect on a therapeutic necklace.

For inquiries regarding custom necklaces or bracelets, please call 877-4GEM-GEM (877-443-6436) or email us at customerservice@gemformulas.com.

Care and Cleansing

Cleansing Your Gemstones Using Clearing Sprays

Therapeutic gemstones naturally accumulate unwanted energies when you wear them. These energies are what the gems help your body to release, or what they naturally pick up from their environment either during use or when stored. If your necklaces aren’t cleansed completely or often enough, unwanted energies will build up. The gemstones’ therapeutic value will be limited, and you’ll no longer feel drawn to wear them.

While opening the clasp after use disperses the bulk of unwanted energies, the gemstones still must be regularly and thoroughly cleansed to remain beneficial to the wearer. As unwanted energies collect, they can make the necklace feel heavy and you’ll no longer feel like wearing it.

GEMFormulas clearing sprays are superior for cleansing and rejuvenating gemstones because they can clear energies that have collected not only from your body, but also from your emotions, memory, and mind.

Cleansing your gemstones with water does not clear energies from these subtle areas. Plus, frequent water cleansing can dull the surface of gems such as Mother of Pearl, Malachite, and Lapis. GEMFormulas clearing sprays are safe for all types of gemstones.

Storing Your Gemstones

Arrange your therapeutic gemstone necklaces and bracelets in neat spirals with their clasps open. This orientation concentrates the gemstones’ energies and helps rejuvenate them. Use a necklace tray to keep them organized and to keep the gemstone energies separated, so that it’s easier to select the right necklace. Store your therapeutic gemstone jewelry away from sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as laptops, television sets, and cell phones.