Emerald & White Beryl Necklace


Emerald is a key gem for supporting physical health. It raises your vibrations, neutralizes negative energies, and nourishes with the green color ray, which supports a healthy flow of life energy to feed the cells and vital organs.

Great for:
Improving overall physical vitality • Supporting heart health • Increasing resilience to stress • Strengthening individuality • Improving your ability to receive

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Choose Emerald & White Beryl When You Want to:

  • Improve your overall health.
  • Get energetic support for detoxification.
  • Heal and uplift the heart chakra.
  • Balance cooling moisture throughout your body.
  • Get energetic support for healing physical disharmony.


What Happens When You Wear an Emerald & White Beryl Necklace or Bracelet

Within a few seconds of making contact with your skin, the Emerald you’re wearing connects with the life energy throughout your body. This life energy consists of color ray spectrums. Emerald brightens all the colors in the spectrum, which can make you feel more vital and alive.

Emerald & White Beryl also increases the volume of green color ray that feeds your internal organs, improves overall cellular vitality, and nourishes your heart chakra.


5 Key Benefits of Emerald

1. Vitalizing
Emerald vitalizes by enriching the life energy that feeds every single part of you. When more life energy is present, your overall vibrations are raised, and all functions and processes throughout your body can work more efficiently.

Emerald also helps resolve your body’s weakest link, which is always the lowest vibratory rate in the body and can be a source of disharmony. As vibrations rise, you become freer to focus on other aspects of life besides improving physical health.

2. Neutralizing
Forces that cause imbalance and disharmony in the body can be called anti-life energy. Emerald gives you an edge in two ways: by vitalizing your life energy and by neutralizing certain types of anti-life energy.

Emerald energy is mechanically attracted to parts of the body where imbalance and disharmony are most active. It then neutralizes the negative energy there with its green color ray.

3. Homogenizing
Emerald has a tendency to homogenize, so it can help to evenly distribute life energy, color rays (specifically the green color ray), moisture, and temperature throughout your body.

4. Lubricating
In a state of optimal health, your life-giving energy abundantly feeds every cell of your body. But in reality, life energy doesn’t always reach everywhere.

Emerald’s lubricating effect allows its energy to reach farther than it could before, like tree roots penetrating the ground. Emerald energy often paves the way for life energy to follow.

5. Calming
When stress is placed on the physical body, it can essentially squeeze the life energy out of certain areas. That’s because the muscles and tissues contract, making it harder for life energy to reach your cells.

This is where Emerald’s calming effect comes in. In order to support life energy to its maximum capacity, Emerald must help the body relax so it can receive this energy. This is especially important in times of stress.

By calming, Emerald teaches us to receive life energy. If we can receive life energy, we can also receive other things we want and need. This is why we associate Emerald with the word “abundance.”



We incorporate White Beryl into our Emerald necklaces to support the flow of life energy into and through the body. The alternating sets of one and three Emerald beads along the sides of the necklace set up a rhythm that maintains a regular flow of that energy. The greater concentration of Emerald in the front of the necklace directs that flow downward, into the body from its source overhead. The repeating presence of five White Beryl provides a framework that keeps the Emerald energy contained and focused.

How to Use

How to Use

Wearing therapeutic gemstone jewelry around your neck or on your wrist or ears is by far the easiest way to enjoy their healing benefits. Therapeutic gemstones may also be applied on the body as a poultice or wrapped around a therapy wand and applied in the aura.

It’s best to wear Emerald in cycles, either all day or all night, and give your body a rest in between. However, if you’re dealing with significant anti-life energy, then you must keep the Emerald touching your body at all times. When bathing, keep the Emerald within arm’s reach. 

Emerald Size
For maximum therapeutic value, the size of the Emerald spheres or rondels in your necklace or bracelet is important. It is true that Emerald of any size (even two millimeters, which is tiny!) will spread its energy throughout your body and supraphysical aura—but it’s only going to work on the surface. 

Every extra millimeter in the size of an Emerald significantly extends the reach and depth that gemstone can access. 

Size and Moisture
Emerald energy maintains moisture levels by distributing moisture evenly around the body. Emerald that’s 3.5mm in diameter or larger is able to access the internal water reserves to help spread that moisture as well as the body can allow. 

Larger Emerald can provide additional support, which can speed up the process. 

If you’re wearing Emerald that’s only two or three millimeters in diameter, its energy won’t be able to reach very far. It isn’t enough for the skin alone either. 

Healthy skin relies on moisture, and the only way that Emerald can bring moisture to the skin is to access it from deeper inside the body. For that, you need larger Emerald. 

That’s why we recommend working with Emerald at least 3.5mm in size. For those looking for a more-affordable option, we can build necklaces that graduate in size to include beads 3mm and larger. 

When you’re working with very large Emerald of six to eight millimeters, its energy may reach into the cell nucleus and support adequate moisture and lubrication for genetic material as the cell divides. This division happens in a moist environment, and the moister, the better. That nuclear material can never be too moist, but it can dry out. The drier it is, the more mutations are possible in the replication process. 

We like to add a single Emerald to the front of our necklaces that’s larger than the rest. It gives the body a little lift to reach more deeply into itself to spread moisture more evenly. 


Therapeutic-quality Emerald has two key quality parameters: its color and clarity.

Emerald color ranges from a rich dark green to medium green. It may also appear bluish-green. Once the color saturation of Emerald becomes light enough, the gem is called Green Beryl. This is a cousin of Emerald and has different properties and benefits. You cannot use Green Beryl and expect to get the healing benefits of true Emerald.

Emerald naturally comes with colorless cracks and dark spots. The fewer, the better, but their presence lowers the price per carat, so it can be a balance between wanting the therapeutic benefits of Emerald energy in a form that’s also easy on the budget.

The gem industry typically oils Emerald to make these cracks less noticeable. Heavily oiled Emerald has a lower therapeutic value. The cracks are still there; the oil simply hides them from view. It can also interfere with a free flow of the green color ray. A minimal application of oil can be expected to help keep the Emerald moist.

The Role of Color and Clarity in Therapeutic-Quality Emerald
When shopping for Emerald at a reasonable price point, a buyer often has to choose between good color or good clarity. The richer the green color is, the more the Emerald will improve the brightness and strength of the spectrum of your life energy. But the better its clarity is, the more the Emerald can improve the flow of life energy and expand its reach into previously deficient areas.

More Info

Our latest batch of Emerald (Feb. 2023) ranges in size from 3.5mm to 7.55mm. These gems are pristine and have such high clarity that a GIA gemologist found no traces of oil at all. Most of the beads are 5A, with a few precious 6A-clarity beads that have no visible inclusions. A few of the beads have no visible inclusions, and we assign these a 6A clarity rating. The rest are mostly 5A. The color of the gems is a medium green, which is reflected in its price point. Were it even a slightly darker green, its price could triple. 


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About Our Necklaces

Our necklaces comprise all the innovations in gemstone necklace therapy to ensure you have the most effective healing tools available.

  • Our gemstones are natural and therapeutic quality, which means they are at the top of their class in color, clarity, and brightness. Although quality parameters vary for each individual gemstone, we carefully select every bead to make sure you get the very best.
  • We use spheres and rondels because they evenly radiate the gemstones’ energies throughout the wearer’s body and aura.
  • All our necklaces are strung with symbiotic gemstones that catalyze, support, or strengthen the work of the primary gem. Not only do symbiotic necklaces work more effectively and efficiently, but they also feel better energetically and look more balanced and beautiful. A primary gem and its symbiotic encourage healthy relationships and can help balance the forces of yin and yang throughout your body and being.
  • All our necklaces have a clasp, which we feel is essential. When you open a clasp, the gems release a significant amount of unwanted energy they collected during use. The clasp also allows you to arrange the necklace in a spiral during storage so that the gems can regenerate themselves. In addition, clasps make it possible to wrap gems around a therapy wand to apply in the aura or lay the gemstones across your body for an easy and restful self-therapy.
  • We string using nylon thread. Nylon is strong, doesn’t fray or stretch like other threads, and is made of a simple chain of molecules. Nylon energy has a negligible effect on a therapeutic necklace.

For inquiries regarding custom necklaces or bracelets, please call 877-4GEM-GEM (877-443-6436) or email us at [email protected].

Care and Cleansing

Cleansing Your Gemstones Using Clearing Sprays

Therapeutic gemstones naturally accumulate unwanted energies when you wear them. These energies are what the gems help your body to release, or what they naturally pick up from their environment either during use or when stored. If your necklaces aren’t cleansed completely or often enough, unwanted energies will build up. The gemstones’ therapeutic value will be limited, and you’ll no longer feel drawn to wear them.

While opening the clasp after use disperses the bulk of unwanted energies, the gemstones still must be regularly and thoroughly cleansed to remain beneficial to the wearer. As unwanted energies collect, they can make the necklace feel heavy and you’ll no longer feel like wearing it.

GEMFormulas clearing sprays are superior for cleansing and rejuvenating gemstones because they can clear energies that have collected not only from your body, but also from your emotions, memory, and mind.

Cleansing your gemstones with water does not clear energies from these subtle areas. Plus, frequent water cleansing can dull the surface of gems such as Mother of Pearl, Malachite, and Lapis. GEMFormulas clearing sprays are safe for all types of gemstones.

Storing Your Gemstones

Arrange your therapeutic gemstone necklaces and bracelets in neat spirals with their clasps open. This orientation concentrates the gemstones’ energies and helps rejuvenate them. Use a necklace tray to keep them organized and to keep the gemstone energies separated, so that it’s easier to select the right necklace. Store your therapeutic gemstone jewelry away from sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as laptops, television sets, and cell phones.