When to Use
Use When You Are Feeling:
- Over-stressed and overwhelmed.
- Groggy, foggy, sluggish, and unmotivated.
- Plagued by negative thoughts.
- As though you picked up bad vibes, or someone else’s negativity.
- Bothered by certain emotions that won’t leave you alone.
- Not yourself and uncomfortable in your body.
- As though you’re carrying a heavy weight.
And When You Want to:
- Start your day feeling fresh, clear, and motivated.
- End your day, leaving thoughts of work behind.
- Become free of thoughts and feelings that harass and weigh you down.
- Get in touch with how you truly think and feel about a situation.
- Feel lighter, brighter, and clearer.
- Be the best you can be.
Ideal For People Who:
- Can’t shake off the stress of work when they come home.
- Tend to pick up other people’s negativity easily.
- Work in environments where people suffer (hospitals, prisons).
- Live or work with someone who is negative or angry.
- Practice energy work, to keep themselves and their environments clear.
Additional Benefits:
Energy Clearing Spray is part of the GEMFormulas’ gemstone cleansing system, which also includes EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Clearing Spray and 7-color-ray Diamond Spray.
May also be used to clear unwanted energies from rooms, cars, closets, and treatment tables, as well as therapeutic gems and jewelry.
How to Use
Basic Self-Therapy:
1. Hold the bottle above the top of your head, with the sprayer pointing upwards.
2. Spray 3 to 5 times directly upwards, allowing the mist to rain down around your body.
3. Pay attention to your physical and energetic condition before, during, and after using the spray.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Self-Therapy for Specific Areas:
(To target a specific part of your body or a chakra.)
1. Hold the bottle about arm’s length away from the targeted area,
with the sprayer pointing towards it.
2. Spray 2 or 3 times, the mist should fully surround the targeted area.
3. Next, hold the bottle at the targeted area, with the sprayer pointing directly away from it.
4. Spray 2 or 3 times, which will send the mist outwards and away from the targeted area.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Room Clearing:
1. Standing in the center of the room spray upwards 3-5 times. As the mist falls, observe how the energies in the room become more uplifted and clear.
2. Spray down toward the Earth, and notice how the room’s energy becomes more anchored and grounded.
3. Move to each corner of the room, spraying towards both the ceiling and floor 2-3 times each. *For particularly large rooms, spray at halfway points between corners, focusing on where the wall meets the floor (spray downwards) and ceiling (spray upwards).
4. Spray around doorways, into closets, and anywhere else that you sense energy tends to settle.
5. Spray behind and underneath large or frequently used furniture, especially beds.
Perform this technique when you feel a room has developed negative or stagnating energy (1-3 times per month). This technique can also be applied to cars, offices, and other enclosed spaces.
*Always close your eyes when spraying around the face or head.
*Keep out of reach of children.
Learn More in GEM 116: Clearing Unwanted Energy with Gemstone Therapy
GEM 116 is a self-paced video course in our Level 1 Gemstone Therapy program. It teaches students how to clear unwanted energy from the body and aura simply and easily using the GEMFormulas clearing sprays and White Beryl & Turquoise. Students will also learn a powerful method for extracting deeply rooted anchors of unwanted energy in the body, safely and effectively. Register here.
Physical Ingredients:
Purified water, gemstone-infused organic grape alcohol.
Imprinted with the Healing Energies of these Gemstones:
White Beryl (Over one hundred, arranged in a spiral.)
Rose Quartz
7-color-ray Diamond
The Gemstone Mandala used to Make Energy Clearing Spray:

This Gemandala Consists of:
White Beryl (Over one hundred, arranged in a spiral)
Rose Quartz
7-color-ray Diamond
A Study of the Energy Clearing Gemstones:
A spiral of White Beryl gemstones dominates the Energy Clearing Gemandala. This spiral’s energy field vitalizes the natural life-giving energies in every living cell of your body. With this GEMFormula’s support, your cells are able to release and let go unwanted energies at all levels.
A therapeutic-quality, 7-color-ray Diamond is placed in the center of this GEMFormula’s Gemandala to help your body remember its blueprints of ideal health on all levels (including heart and mind). Diamond helps your body recognize what energies are truly your own, which ones need to be protected and vitalized, and which are best released and let go.
White Beryl
White Beryl is a clear, color-free gemstone, which cleanses lymph and brings white light to your body at all levels. In this Gemandala, over 100 White Beryl gems are arranged in a spiral shape, which helps draw out and dissipate energies that may be embedded and anchored in your body and aura. It also stimulates the natural life-giving energies that spiral within every living cell. This raises the cells’ vibrations and consequently their health.
Two large blue Aquamarine spheres prompt your body to reveal information about what you need in order to take your next step toward greater health. This information comes from cells throughout your body and is broadcast into your aura.
In this Gemandala, Aquamarine is placed on locations that correspond to the brow and sacral chakras. As White Beryl clears these chakras, Aquamarine energy can access them.
The brow chakra is often associated with what you see and how you perceive life. When cleared, you are better able to see and understand where your destiny lies, so that you can take definite steps toward manifesting it.
The sacral chakra is often associated with the reproductive system and interpersonal relationships of all kinds. When your sacral chakra is cleared, not only should your sexual energies be restored, but good interpersonal relationships should be easier to find and maintain.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz, a light pink color, helps your body release emotional energy that may have gotten stuck in physical tissue. This unwanted energy often accumulates when emotions are suppressed or not completely expressed or let go.
Stuck emotions can:
- Reduce tissue elasticity, which produces tight, knotted muscles and can restrict the function of affected organs.
- Anchor other types of unwanted energies that can exacerbate symptoms, delay healing, or lead to an accumulation of fat.
- Cause blockages in your aura that can inhibit the flow nourishing color rays and healing light from reaching your body.
Two Rose Quartz, placed in locations that correspond to your abdomen, help your body release unwanted emotional energies in your torso, where they can affect not only organs but vessels, fascia, muscles, nerves, fatty tissue, and lymphatic drainage.
The position of Rose Quartz in the gemandala also corresponds to your emotional body. This will encourage you to heal the roots of the feelings that caused the emotional energies that may have accumulated in your body.
Apple-green Chrysoprase draws white light from beyond the atomic level up through your molecules and into your cells and organs. It works opposite other gemstones in that it brings natural healing energy “up” into your body rather than “down” into it from your aura and environment.
This up from the inside motion of the white light supports the action of White Beryl. It also helps to release unwanted energies that have become rooted and anchored, or that may have been accumulating over years, or that may be malicious.
Four Chrysoprase gems in a stabilizing square formation help ensure a balanced release by funneling the uprooted energies into the White Beryl spiral. This has been designed to avert cleansing reactions.
Sugilite, a dark purple gem, clears unwanted energies from the body and aura. In this gemandala it is stationed at the 8 major cardinal points: north, east, south, and west; plus north-west, north-east, south-east, and south-west. These Sugilite guard against the return of energies the other gems have helped you release.
The number 8 is associated with evolution. Eight Sugilite help you evolve away from the circumstances and states of consciousness that allowed you to take on these unwanted energies in the first place.
Watch the videos below for more instructions on GEMFormulas Aura Sprays.
Learn about GEMFormulas aura sprays:
The following procedures employ all three of our clearing sprays: Energy Clearing, EMR Clearing, and 7-Color-Ray Diamond.
Here are instructions for the comprehensive 5-step aura clearing:
Energy Clearing Spray applied on your feet feels absolutely fantastic!
The following video demonstrates how to apply the 5-step foot clearing technique on someone else’s feet:
Here’s how to do the 5-step foot clearing technique on yourself:
Learn More
Find out how and why we make our GEMFormulas aura sprays in this blog post.
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