Energy Clearing Spray


You know you need soap and water to keep your body clean. Our Energy Clearing Spray is like soap and water for your aura, helping to clear and cleanse your thoughts and emotions. (Scroll down for more information.)

Your space is yours: Keep it clear.


When to Use

Use When You Are Feeling:

  • Over-stressed and overwhelmed.
  • Groggy, foggy, sluggish, and unmotivated.
  • Plagued by negative thoughts.
  • As though you picked up bad vibes, or someone else’s negativity.
  • Bothered by certain emotions that won’t leave you alone.
  • Not yourself and uncomfortable in your body.
  • As though you’re carrying a heavy weight.

And When You Want to:

  • Start your day feeling fresh, clear, and motivated.
  • End your day, leaving thoughts of work behind.
  • Become free of thoughts and feelings that harass and weigh you down.
  • Get in touch with how you truly think and feel about a situation.
  • Feel lighter, brighter, and clearer.
  • Be the best you can be.

Ideal For People Who:

  • Can’t shake off the stress of work when they come home.
  • Tend to pick up other people’s negativity easily.
  • Work in environments where people suffer (hospitals, prisons).
  • Live or work with someone who is negative or angry.
  • Practice energy work, to keep themselves and their environments clear.

Additional Benefits:

Energy Clearing Spray is part of the GEMFormulas’ gemstone cleansing system, which also includes EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Clearing Spray and 7-color-ray Diamond Spray.

May also be used to clear unwanted energies from rooms, cars, closets, and treatment tables, as well as therapeutic gems and jewelry.