
GEM 151 Bead Kits

Original price was: $16.00 – $565.50.Current price is: $11.20 – $395.85.

The gem packs offered here are for students enrolled in the GEM 151: Gemstone Therapy for Healing the Emotions course. A 30% discount has been applied to all options to help students build their collections.

Please view the Details tab below for more information about the tools required for GEM 151.

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $11.20.
Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $22.40.
Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $52.50.
Approx. 4-5mm diameter
Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $136.50.
Approx. 3-4mm diameter
Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $189.00.
Approx. 2-3mm diameter
Original price was: $435.00.Current price is: $304.50.
Original price was: $97.50.Current price is: $68.25.
Approx. 4-5mm diameter
Original price was: $253.50.Current price is: $177.45.
Approx. 3-4mm diameter
Original price was: $351.00.Current price is: $245.70.
Approx. 2-3mm diameter
Original price was: $565.50.Current price is: $395.85.

Gemstone Tools
You are welcome to take this class for informational purposes only, and there’s no requirement to purchase the gemstone tools. If you’d like to own the gems included in the GEM 151 procedures, we will send a list before each class.

For Class 1, we’re going to use two mandalas.

Here’s what you’ll need to build them:

  1. GEM Level 1 tools
  2. Eight Mother of Pearl (four for each gemandala)
  3. Four Pink Sapphire rondels
  4. A central Pink Sapphire rondel, which you may want to be larger than the others
  5. Four Ruby rondels
  6. A central Ruby rondel, which you may want to be larger than the others
  7. Two therapy rods and beeswax for each

The mandalas will be used at different times, so you could use one therapy rod and swap out the gemstones.

In Class 2, you’ll be locating certain points on the body and placing Ruby and Pink Sapphire on them.

Here’s a tentative list of what you’ll need:

  1. GEM Level 1 tools of your choice
  2. Eight Pink Sapphire
  3. Eight Ruby
These gems can be on the smaller side for this purpose.