Gemstone Mandala Healing Kit


Get all the tools you need to start making healing gemstone mandalas!

Custom mandalas can give you invaluable insights into the underlying causes of disharmony in your body. Plus they give you the precise healing frequencies needed to help resolve them.

With just eight spheres in each of ten sets of healing gemstones, you can create simple yet powerful mandalas and give meaningful sessions to yourself and others.

Kit Includes:

8 Frosted Quartz
8 Clear Quartz
8 Lavender Quartz
8 Rhodonite
8 Onyx
8 Amethyst
8 Rose Quartz
8 Agate
8 Dark Green Aventurine
8 Red Jasper

1 Therapy Rod with 1/3 stick of Beeswax

For a limited time, get Free Admission to the course: GEM 114 “How to Make and Apply Healing Gemstone Mandalas” $54 value.