Liberty™ Bracelet: Sodalite with Blue Chalcedony & Blue Sapphire

Our Liberty bracelet consists of Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, and Blue Sapphire.

These gemstones help clear the old, negative, and bothersome thoughts that get in your way of better health and wellness. This makes it easier to self-heal and get in touch with your true nature and potential. Sodalite varies widely in appearance.

Great for:
Letting go of limiting beliefs • Thinking more positively • Becoming resilient to others’ negative thoughts • Overcoming thoughts of self-sabotage • Maintaining a high level of creative outflow and problem-solving • Helping your body metabolize toxins

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Benefits of Wearing Liberty™

The Liberty™ gemstone formula was designed to help you realize the positive potential of your mind. To do that, it supports your ability to choose positive thoughts by clearing away negative ones, foggy ones, and ones that aren’t yours.

When these thoughts collect in your body and aura, they inhibit the flow of creative mental energy coming into your life and can interfere with healthy mental, emotional, and physical function. Negative thoughts also tend to attract and incite more of the same. If accumulating in your body, they can lull you into a downward spiral of limited, close-minded, and unhealthy thinking.

Wear When You Want to:

  • Let go of limiting beliefs and thought patterns.
  • Become resilient to the effects of others’ negative thoughts.
  • Free yourself of negative thoughts and the tendency to self-sabotage.
  • Overcome creative blocks and improve mental clarity.
  • Think more positive and uplifting thoughts.

Wear When You Feel:

  • Mentally sluggish, blocked, and unfocused.
  • Overwhelmed and pressured.
  • Burdened by foggy thinking.

Ideal For Those Who:

  • Rely on a high level of creative outflow and problem-solving for their livelihood.
  • Have difficulty distinguishing between what they want to do and what others want them to do.
  • Realize the unhealthy impact of negative thinking on their health and wellness.

Negative Thoughts, Positive Thoughts, and Karmic Thoughts

Most thoughts come into your awareness and then leave. You move easily from one to the next. Here’s an example of the kind of stream of thoughts you might experience on any given day:

“It’s so nice out today…Ugh, I can’t believe the dishwasher broke again…I need to run those errands….I should really check in with mom….Hmm…the tiles on this floor look uneven…I have to remember to buy eggs…Agh! Go away, mosquito! …I wonder if we’ll get to the beach this summer…”

If you decide to remember a thought, it will be stored in an area of your aura called the causal body. The causal body collects benign thoughts, such as these, as well as karmic thoughts.

A karmic thought has consequences. It is a thought that accompanies an energy wave toward oneself or another person. It is interwoven with conviction, judgment, emphasis, emotion, or force.

“I look ridiculous in this dress…He really needs to lose weight…I can’t believe she did that! I’m so angry with her…Ugh, he makes me so jealous. Why does he do that to me? …If she doesn’t let me have my way, I’ll never speak to her again…I’m terrible at making money…I’ll never be successful…Why do I always ruin things?”

Positive thoughts build, repair, and heal. They also help cancel out negative ones.

“I’m going to try my best….I feel hopeful today…I can do this! ….It’s a beautiful day! …I feel so grateful to be alive…This was a tough lesson, but I know it happened for a reason. I’m hurting, but I’ll heal….I should try something new today…Wow, she looks so pretty…I choose to see the light in my own being, even when it’s hard for me to see it.”

Negative thoughts usually far outnumber and curtail positive ones, so the positive ones tend to be short-lived. But once a negative thought is cancelled out by a positive one, both are typically forgotten. Healing therefore requires more positive thoughts than negative ones in order to lift your vibrations, which allow a greater flow of life-giving energy to your body. It also requires that the lodged negative thoughts be released so they’re less likely to inspire more of the same.

Negative thoughts can affect any part of your body, emotions, memory, and mind. But they tend to accumulate in the physical body. This is because negative thoughts, especially those that are linked with karma, often have greater mass than positive ones. Negative thoughts can indeed make us feel weighed down, while positive ones can make us feel lighter and uplifted.

Effect of the Liberty Formula on Thoughts

Sodalite has a natural affinity with thought, so its energy will collect wherever thoughts accumulate. Blue Sapphire nourishes the mind and Blue Chalcedony relaxes it. Thus, the energies of the Liberty formula have an effect on all types of thought, whether positive, negative, or karmic.

Positive thoughts can balance out negative ones and naturally enhance and harmonize flows of life-giving energies through the body. Wearing the Liberty formula amplifies this benefit so that positive thoughts can have an even greater impact.

Effect on Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts tend to collect in areas or systems of the body of the lowest vibrations and then weaken them until canceled by a positive thought. Sodalite energy finds these areas and accumulates there, isolating negative thoughts and protecting the body from them.

When you work with Liberty, the gemstones in this formula also help lift the negative thoughts away from your body so you can more clearly see them for what they are. You then have the opportunity to think something more positive. Otherwise, the thoughts will return—you’ll draw them back through force of habit. Even if this occurs, the gemstones’ efforts won’t entirely be wasted, because you’ll have experienced freedom from them and have an incentive to try again.

Effect on Karmic Thoughts

The energies of the Liberty formula also isolate karmic thoughts, which tend to be  charged with emotion. The more emotion attached, the more difficult it is for Sodalite to affect them, since Sodalite works exclusively with thought.

The process is more efficient when Sodalite is combined with Blue Sapphire and Blue Chalcedony. Emotion and thought are often intertwined and instigate each other. In the presence of Blue Sapphire, thought becomes more content with itself and is less likely to stir up emotions. Blue Chalcedony calms thought and encourages it to release emotional charge it may be holding onto. Then the thought can be better addressed by the Sodalite.

When the charge associated with your karmic thoughts is reduced, it’s less likely that you’ll continue to react to them and add to the karma. Instead, you have an opportunity to start resolving it.

How Negative Thoughts Can Hurt Us

Thoughts should flow from the mind to the body and back in an uninterrupted flow. This is one of the five key flows of life-giving energy in the body/aura system. Sodalite clears this flow.

When thoughts stir up memories and incite emotions and actions, they get weighed down, stop moving, and get caught in the body. Other thoughts—especially those attached to memories and emotions—build up behind the trapped thoughts. These can be reflected in the aura, but their presence is clearly in the body itself.

Soon enough, you have a collection of energies that do not belong in the body. Depending on a lot of other factors, these collections can gather in one place or spread around the body, where they inhibit, divert, or skew the flow of life-giving energies.

They can also interfere with the body’s natural functions and processes, but which ones are affected depends on where the thoughts have aggregated. As the collection grows, it tends to attract various non-life-giving frequencies, thus compounding any blockages that result.

The effect of negative thought accumulation on our health can be so widespread that clearing it can truly support healing anywhere in the body.

At the heart of most illnesses lies habitual negative and destructive thinking, either from this lifetime or another. Start clearing that away and you make room for life-giving energies to take its place. You also stop the downward pull of negative thoughts that can drag you down and inhibit your natural self-healing processes.

Benefits of Sodalite

Sodalite is the Earth’s remedy for thought accumulation. This mineral has an absorptive quality that is specific to mental energies. When we combine Sodalite with Blue Chalcedony and Blue Sapphire, that absorptive quality targets mental energies trapped in the body.

Sodalite has a magnetic-like quality that helps break up thoughts that have been clumped together by drawing them out individually. Think of them like a tangle of strings: loosen and remove one, and the others come apart more easily. Once released, the mental energies and thoughts continue their journey back to the mind, where they are either abandoned or reenergized with attention. If the latter occurs, they continue in another cycle, stimulating memories and emotions and being expressed, stored, or let go. All of this happens very fast.

Energetically, Sodalite by itself locates collections of mental-body vibrations in the physical body and aura where they’re trapped. It draws out these clumps and separates them so they can continue moving between the mind and body.

Every therapeutic-quality Sodalite gem will contain some white mineral that naturally intermingles with the blue. This white mineral supports the drawing-out benefit by loosening the thought bundle and contributing to the magnetic-like draw. Hence, it is a built-in symbiote for Blue Sodalite.

Benefits of Blue Chalcedony and Blue Sapphire

When you add Blue Chalcedony and Blue Sapphire to Sodalite, you support the process of releasing accumulated thoughts and ease the body’s willingness to let them go.
Sodalite directs the energy of Blue Chalcedony to the area where the thoughts are gathered. This energy relaxes the tissue that holds the thoughts, while also softening the thought tangle itself. Both help support its release.

Blue Sapphire energy nourishes the mind so that it’s easier to think new, more positive thoughts. This gemstone’s presence in the formula also draws a clear path back to the mind that the thoughts can follow on their return.

About Our Bracelets

Benefits of Wearing Therapeutic Gemstone Bracelets

When you wear a gemstone bracelet, you focus its healing energies on the side of the body on which it is worn, particularly on that hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Several acupuncture meridians run up and down your arm, which are bisected when you wear a bracelet. Gemstone bracelets can nourish and support these meridians and the organs and tissues associated with them. These meridians are the Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, and Large Intestine meridians.

When you wear a gemstone bracelet, the natural swinging movement of your arms as you walk brings the gemstone energies to vitalize your legs, lower back, root and sacral chakras, and the abdomen. As you move your arm throughout the day, the gemstone energies are also able to actively clear congestion and clouds of sluggish energies that may be present in your aura.

Our therapeutic gemstone bracelets are made with the same therapeutic-quality* gems as our necklaces and earrings. Designs are based on our necklaces and offer the same benefits.

Bracelet comes with a wood button clasp unless special ordered otherwise. Use an extender to add the length required to wear around your ankle.

Bracelet Availability

Our standard bracelet lengths are 7, 7.5, and 8 inches (about 18.5–20 cm). Because of the variation of individuals’ wrist sizes, we gladly accept special orders. To determine your bracelet size, measure the exact circumference of your wrist. We will make your bracelet a little longer to fit. Your bracelet may stretch slightly with wear.

Bracelets can be made based on most of our necklace designs.

For inquiries regarding custom necklaces or bracelets, please call 877-4GEM-GEM (877-443-6436) or email us at

*Therapeutic-quality gemstones are authentic gemstones at the top of their class in color, clarity, brightness, and cut. Quality parameters vary for each individual gemstone, and we carefully select every bead to make sure you get the very best.

Care and Cleansing

Cleansing Your Gemstones Using Clearing Sprays

Therapeutic gemstones naturally accumulate unwanted energies when you wear them. These energies are what the gems help your body to release, or what they naturally pick up from their environment either during use or when stored. If your necklaces aren’t cleansed completely or often enough, unwanted energies will build up. The gemstones’ therapeutic value will be limited, and you’ll no longer feel drawn to wear them.

While opening the clasp after use disperses the bulk of unwanted energies, the gemstones still must be regularly and thoroughly cleansed to remain beneficial to the wearer. As unwanted energies collect, they can make the necklace feel heavy and you’ll no longer feel like wearing it.

GEMFormulas clearing sprays are superior for cleansing and rejuvenating gemstones because they can clear energies that have collected not only from your body, but also from your emotions, memory, and mind.

Cleansing your gemstones with water does not clear energies from these subtle areas. Plus, frequent water cleansing can dull the surface of gems such as Mother of Pearl, Malachite, and Lapis. GEMFormulas clearing sprays are safe for all types of gemstones.

Storing Your Gemstones

Arrange your therapeutic gemstone necklaces and bracelets in neat spirals with their clasps open. This orientation concentrates the gemstones’ energies and helps rejuvenate them. Use a necklace tray to keep them organized and to keep the gemstone energies separated, so that it’s easier to select the right necklace. Store your therapeutic gemstone jewelry away from sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as laptops, television sets, and cell phones.