Mental Focusing Spray


You know when your mind gets tired: you can’t focus, you lose your creativity, and you can’t think straight. Give it the nourishment it needs with our Mental Focus aura spray. It’s like vitamins for your mind. (Scroll down for more information.)

Your aura is yours: Keep it focused and well-organized.


When to Use

Use When You Are Feeling:

  • Scattered and unfocused.
  • Unable to concentrate.
  • Antsy and irritable.
  • Mentally stuck, blocked, or sluggish.
  • Mentally exhausted.

And When You Want to:

  • Improve your creative outflow.
  • Enhance and improve organization.
  • Improve mental flexibility and adaptability.
  • Think more clearly.
  • Find new and inventive ways to solve problems.
  • Disperse concentrations of energy (which tend to manifest as tight or painful areas).

Ideal For People Who:

  • Rely on clear thinking for their livelihood.
  • Are students or learning something new.
  • Are studying for a test.
  • Enjoy creative expression.
  • Are trying to solve a complex problem or when a solution seems persistently elusive.
  • Fluctuate between extremes of mental intensity and scatteredness.