How to Use
For Help with Weight Gain Associated with
Poor Self-Esteem and the Need to Fulfill Emotional Deficiency
Keep the spray on your kitchen table and spray overhead before each meal. See “Basic Self Therapy” below.
As much as you can, spray yourself each time you feel the urge to snack. You may be able to curb your urge for empty calorie snacks by fulfilling your need for inner nourishment with the Self-Nurturing gemstone energies instead.
The above technique may also be helpful for those trying to gain weight.
Basic Self-Therapy:
1. Hold the bottle above the top of your head, with the sprayer pointing upwards.
2. Spray 3 to 5 times directly upwards, allowing the mist to rain down around your body.
3. Pay attention to your physical and energetic condition before, during, and after using the spray.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Self-Therapy for Self-Confidence:
Apply the Self-Nurturing aura spray to your stomach and stomach chakra, to support your ability to receive nurturing and nourishment.
1. Hold the bottle about arm’s length away from your stomach, with the sprayer pointing towards it.
2. Spray 2 or 3 times.
3. Next, hold the bottle at your stomach, with the sprayer pointing directly away from it.
4. Spray 2 or 3 times, which will send the mist outwards and away from you.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
*Always close your eyes when spraying around the face or head.
*Keep out of reach of children.
Physical Ingredients:
Purified water, gemstone-infused organic grape alcohol.
Imprinted with the Healing Energies of these Gemstones:
Peach Moonstone, Marble, Spessartite, Rose Quartz, Mother of Pearl, Golden Beryl, Opalite, Citrine, Blue Sapphire, Aquamarine, Indigo, and Golden Saltwater Pearl.
The Gemstone Mandala used to Make Self-Nurturing Spray:

This Gemandala Consists of:
Peach Moonstone
Rose Quartz
Mother of Pearl
Golden Beryl
Blue Sapphire
Golden Saltwater Pearl
A Study of the Self-Nurturing Gemstones:
This gemandala is based on the number six, which supports self-mastery, in this case with a focus on self-control regarding chosen sources of self-nourishment. The configuration consists of a central collection of gems, six primary rays of gems, and six secondary rays.
In total, twelve rays of gems radiate from the center. The number twelve signifies the highest form of self-mastery. It also represents the totality of your being. This gemandala’s energy will work with all aspects of yourself to help you achieve your desired goals.
Another instance of the number twelve appears in the total number of gemrays in the mandala. This mandala has six primary gemrays and six secondary gemrays. (A gemray is a line of gemstones that radiates from the center of the mandala.)
Four Collections of Gemstones
This mandala consists of four collections of gemstones:
- A central collection, which focuses on your spiritual/physical self.
- A set of six primary rays that focus on your emotional body.
- A set of six primary rays that focus on your mental body.
- A set of six secondary rays that focus on the karmic causes of your current situation.
Each of these sets of gemstones provides energetic nourishment that can make you strong enough to make better choices in your life. Let’s look at the benefits of each of these sets of gemstones:
The Central Collection — Spiritual/Physical Support
The central gem collection in this gemandala helps you identify who you really are and what you need to release to express your true Self, and then it helps you to do that.
- In the middle is a Golden Sea Pearl that symbolizes your spiritual Self–beautiful, radiant, pure, and free. The energy of Pearl helps you identify and express these inner qualities.
- Pearl is surrounded by six Peach Moonstones, whose energies can help your body decide what it wants to keep and what it should let go of.
- The next circle of six consists of Marble. Marble energy can help you release what does not belong to you.
When they asked Michelangelo how he made his statue of David, he said that it was easy. He just chipped away the stone that didn’t look like David. The Self Nurturing GEMFormula Spray helps you let go all that is not truly you.
Gemstones to Support Your Emotional Body
These gemstones work together to provide the support your emotional body needs to stay balanced and in control.
- Spessartite, which is an orange garnet, vitalizes the endocrine system, whose imbalances can stimulate urges to obtain nourishment from unhealthy sources.
- Rose Quartz helps to release suppressed emotions. When emotions are not let go, it can lead to self-sabotage and self-destructive behaviors. With the support of Rose Quartz energy, you can let go these emotions and take a step toward emotional freedom.
- Mother of Pearl reminds you of your divine origins and offers comfort. A desire for comfort is often an underlying reason people reach out for nurturing–and sometimes choose unhealthy sources of that comfort.
Gemstones to Support Your Mental Body
The outer set of three gems brings awareness to habits, unhealthy patterns of self nurturing, and also to better, healthier ways to receive the nurturing you need.
- Blue Sapphire nourishes your mind so you can think more clearly, and vitalizes your ability to communicate your truth, and your needs, to loved ones who want to help fulfill them.
- Aquamarine energy opens your awareness to the truth about the sources of nourishment and nurturing you have been giving yourself. For example, you may be less likely to binge because you’ll be more conscious of what you are eating, or about to eat.
- Indigo energy nourishes your intuition, so you’ll be more likely to sense when something isn’t right–and when something is.
Gemstones that Support Your Causal Body
The gemstones the comprise the secondary rays of this mandala support your causal, or karmic body.
- Golden Beryl energy nourishes your causal body, where karmic records are stored. A well-nourished causal body is able to handle karmic resolution gracefully, make new choices that free you from old patterns, and see more clearly a better, healthier future for yourself.
- Opalite helps identify key karmic issues and when they may have occurred.
- Citrine energy calls yellow ray to nourish your digestive system and helps unwind tension that can keep you locked in certain unhappy behaviors.
This combination of gemstones can increase your awareness of the past events and karmic reasons for your desire to reach for unhealthy ways to receive nurturing, and help you start to resolve them.
LM (verified owner) –
Even though Ive used GTI products for several years, this is the first time I tried this spray. Straight away I noticed a feeling of comfort. After some days I noticed it was easier to discern what really would be nice to do/experience vs the truth of if it would be too much or too tiring or just not the frequency I reallt was looking for. On a deeper level it is helping me overcome old experiences of rough blows to my health, exhaustion and experiencing oppression and not having all the resources then and there to deal with that in the best way.