Wear Sugilite When You Are:
- Frequently exposed to toxins including polluted air, food, and water.
- Hypersensitive to environmental toxins.
- Overcome by the limitations of allergies.
- Chronically highly stressed, worried, or anxious.
- Experiencing chronic physical or emotional pain.
- Affected by a condition that is caused by, or that produces, a buildup of toxins and negative energies.
- Interested in clearing your aura so that you can be as free and unburdened as possible.
Sugilite is an energetic sponge. It sends its rays of energy into the body and aura to locate and clear accumulations of unwanted energy that interfere with health and healing. It is particularly effective for absorbing the random energies that tend to collect through the course of daily living, and toxic energies such as those amassed from a polluted environment.
Sugilite also clears discomforting energy produced by negative thoughts and emotions, such as those associated with overwhelming trauma, grief, stress, pain, anxiety, and worry. These tend to exacerbate the negative patterns of thought, feeling, sensation, and behavior, so that they never have a chance to completely resolve.
Everything about Sugilite supports its mission. The energies that Sugilite radiates into the aura are calming and inspire peacefulness and joy. These uplifting feelings make it easier to let go unwanted energy and move into a new, healthier state. Sugilite’s color, purple, has a frequency that raises the vibrations of the areas that hold unwanted energy, so they can more easily let it go. Other minerals that are typically mixed in with Sugilite also support its mission. They reach into the body and aura to find new unwanted energy accumulations.
Symbiotic Indigo
We pair Sugilite with Indigo because Indigo has an affinity with the outermost layer of the aura. Indigo energy encourages the Sugilite energy to reach throughout the aura and all the way through it. Then the Sugilite can locate as many pools, collections, and clouds of unwanted energy as possible.
Symbiotic Amethyst
We usually pair Sugilite with Indigo alone, but when Sugilite spheres are variegated in color, it’s helpful to add Amethyst for a more effective design.
Because the purple Sugilite (the active ingredient, so to speak) is not consistent in these beads, the gemstone’s energy cannot fully access the aura on its own. Adding Amethyst to this necklace helps it prioritize where the Sugilite energy needs to go, so the wearer can benefit as much as possible.
Sugilite and Neutral Light
Sugilite contains something called neutral light, which brings a sense of calmness, relaxation, and peace to the wearer. It creates an environment in your body and aura that resists the accumulation of additional unwanted energies while also supporting you to release what may have already collected there.
Neutral light also promotes a sense of well-being that is often most noticeable during the first few months of daily wear, when it is most abundant. Although more neutral light can be made to replace what’s released, the original amount can never be fully replenished.
Mechanism for Releasing Neutral Light
Sugilite is similar to all healing gemstones in that it projects rays of its healing energy throughout the body and aura. But unlike other gems, Sugilite does not project its rays evenly. Instead, it directs them to areas where unwanted energy has accumulated.
Sugilite is also unique because its rays are hollow, tube-like. After locating a cloud of unwanted energy, Sugilite draws it through the center of its tube rays back to the beads.
Some of this incoming energy collides and forms neutral light. The rest is disassembled and deposited within the vast spaces of Sugilite, where it can no longer affect the wearer. At the same time, some neutral light within the Sugilite is forced out into the body and aura.
What is “Gelly” Sugilite?
This is a translucent form of Sugilite. Gelly comes in degrees and is highly desirable because it greatly enhances Sugilite’s effects. It is possible that portions of some Sugilite spheres can be gelly and some opaque. Opaque Sugilite tends to absorb unwanted energies into itself like a sponge. Gelly Sugilite neutralizes and dissipates them.
Learn more about gelly Sugilite in Video #3 under the Videos tab on this webpage.
Kathryn –
I love my Sugilite with Indigo necklace. It really helps with pain and I will often wear it over painful joints or muscle cramps. I will sleep with it around a wrist when my back is acting up.
GTI student –
This necklace works so well for cleaning out old toxins from my digestive system. I especially love wearing it with Unakite-Rhodochrosite and/or Rhyolite-Grey Moonstone. I am neurodivergent and I get overwhelmed by people’s energy in public and when people can’t stop talking. When my nervous and sensory systems are very vulnerable or depleted, Sugilite is perfect. It doesn’t mean I don’t need boundries, but preventing overwhelm at gatherings I choose to go to, or wearing it for recovering from a bad day with dynamic cognitive disability is very useful.
LM –
Once I had an experience with a person that was very inappropriate concerning invading my energy field with their own ideas and thoughts/judgements. It ws so bad I had to have a colour ray method done to remove their frequencies from my field. It worked very well except for a few things they said that kept bothering me like an annoying fly. The ultimate ‘fly swatter’ was wearing Sugilite with my new Sugilite-Fluorite. I was also wearing Turquoise and Mother of Pearl at the time, and I think they helped finish the job. Now I cant even recall what they said and I am very content in not trying to do so. I also did a timeline projection described in the Golden Eagle information after the cycle of sugilite was finished.