Therapy Diamond Concierge Program

(1 customer review)


Let us help you choose a healing Diamond!

TheraDiamonds identified by Isabelle Morton are only available here. We offer personalized concierge service to help you select one that feels compatible with you.

The $200 concierge fee will be applied against the price of the Diamond that you select.

Looking for TheraDiamond Rings? Click here.


Diamond Therapy User Pack, Shipping Information, and Returns

  • Diamond Therapy User Pack
  • Diamond Shipping Information
  • Diamond Return Policy

Diamond Therapy User Pack

You will also receive:

  • One 2-oz bottle of GEMFormulas Diamond Spray.
  • A GEMFormulas certificate of authenticity.
  • Extra diamond paper.
  • Alcohol pads for cleansing your Diamond (These are to get you started. You’ll need to purchase more, which you can find at any pharmacy.)
  • A certificate from GIA or EGL verifying the physical qualities of your Therapy Diamond.

You will also receive a therapy rod, a piece of beeswax, and some cheesecloth. You’ll learn how to use these tools in the Diamond Level 1 classes.

Diamond Shipping Information

Shipping is charged separately and is based on how far the parcel has to travel, the value of the Diamond, the desired amount of insurance, and the preferred shipping carrier.

After purchasing your Therapy Diamond we will contact you to confirm a plan for delivery. Our recommendation is to ship Therapy Diamonds via overnight UPS service but other options are available if needed.

Diamond Return Policy

TheraDiamond purchases are non-refundable. This is why we offer our Diamond Concierge, so that you can be sure you are making the right choice.