Therapy Rod

(2 customer reviews)


An essential tool for applying mini-gemandalas, a therapy rod is a 6″ wooden rod with 1 3/4″ diameter wooden disk attached (as pictured). Apply beeswax to the face of the therapy rod, and then place gemstones in the beeswax according to the desired gemandala configuration. One-quarter stick of beeswax included, free of charge.

SKU: T-ROD Categories: ,

New and improved! A therapy rod is a 6″ wooden rod with 1 3/4″ diameter wooden disk attached (as pictured).

Apply beeswax to the face of the therapy rod, and then place gemstones in the beeswax according to the desired gemandala configuration. A therapy rod is an essential tool for applying mini-gemandalas.

One-quarter stick of beeswax included, free of charge. Full sticks of beeswax are available in the “Other” section of the shop.

See Gemstone Therapy 101: A Foundation Training Manual for instructions on how to use a therapy rod.