Wear Yellow Fluorite & Yellow Tourmaline When You Want to:
- Feed, support, and vitalize your microbiome to improve your overall health and vitality.
- Become more mindful of your body’s needs so you’re less likely to neglect them.
- Gain better control of your attention so you’re less susceptible to distractions.
- Feel more connected with your body and the Earth so you can feel more comfortable with who you are.
- Renew your interest in learning, exploring, and examining new ideas.
Vitalizes Your Microbiome
The energy of Yellow Fluorite is especially nourishing to your microbiome, which is the large population of symbiotic microbes that support the cells and tissues that make up your body. In doing so, the microbes maintain the home your body gives them.
Yellow Tourmaline energy provides a hospitable platform for microbes to flourish, even where certain toxins and imbalances make it difficult for them to survive. It promotes harmony and good communication among the body’s multitude of microbial species.
In our Yellow Fluorite & Yellow Tourmaline necklace, the two gems work together to support and vitalize the microbiome.
Caring for and restoring your microbiome is essential for good health, as it helps your body to self-heal, self-maintain, and self-regulate.
Every native cell in your body has a minimum of two supporting microbes, and often many more. The more important a cell’s job or the busier it is, the larger its microbiome support system will be.
Microbes support the cells in a variety of ways. They supply them with an abundance of life-giving energy in the form of color rays. They also cleanse, clear, protect, and mend cells, as well as enhance communication between them, transport nutrients to them, and even help them receive those nutrients.
The microbes also support cellular division by swarming around the cell just before this important process. Upwards of a hundred or so symbiotic microbes may also cluster around each cell when local tissue is injured.
Helps You Overcome Distractions
Mental distractions occur when you intend to do one thing and find yourself doing something else. While this may seem limited to mental activity, it can also occur in the body.
This is a problem, because you don’t want your metabolic processes to start an activity that they never complete. That would lead to confusion and reduce function. If you’re often mentally distracted, it’s very likely your body gets distracted too. You’re also more likely to forget your body’s needs.
People who have good focus and whose cells finish what they start have well-organized and homogenous energy fields. The natural flows of energy that move from the mind to the body do so in a steady, rhythmic way. Their thoughts are more fully formed and carefully constructed.
Yellow Fluorite energy calls these flows to the body. Wearing this gemstone with symbiotic Yellow Tourmaline strengthens those flows.
As a result, your energy field becomes more organized and homogenous. You’ll be able to think more complete thoughts and give your body more of the care and attention it needs.
Connection Between the Mind, Microbiome, and Inward Flows
Our Yellow Fluorite & Yellow Tourmaline formula nourishes your microbiome in two ways. One is with the unique energies of the gemstones themselves. The second is by encouraging, organizing, and promoting the energy flows that naturally move between your mind and your body. It’s the mental vibrations themselves that naturally feed the microbiome.
Your mind and your microbiome have an extraordinary connection. The more varied, fluid, and creative your thoughts are, the better they can nourish your microbiome. It relies on fresh mental energy to keep up with changes the occur in your body over time.
As the gems support your mental body, your mind can more easily distinguish between productive and nonproductive thoughts. It can also enjoy a heightened degree of self-awareness. This allows it to modify patterns of thinking that limit the type of energy and information flowing to your body.
Microbiome Uniformity
Ideally, your microbiome should be somewhat evenly distributed throughout your body. When it becomes deficient, overworked, or challenged, such as by one of the three factors that stress it the most, it loses that uniformity.
As a result, microbiota begin to clump in some areas and become scarce in others. At worst, some patches of the body may have no symbiotic microbial presence at all. I call these microbial deserts.
Pain and anxiety are associated with loss of homogenous distribution, especially when they appear in the muscles, nerves, heart, or stomach. Although, it’s hard to say whether these symptoms are the result of an excess or deficiency of microbiota.
Wearing Yellow Fluorite & Yellow Tourmaline can help you gain some relief. By encouraging microbials to spread throughout the body, it helps release the energy clumps and fills in microbial deserts associated with your pain and anxiety.
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