A key principle of Gemstone Therapy is that every healing gemstone necklace must have a primary gemstone and one or two partner stones. These gems support, strengthen, or catalyze the work of the primary gem.
In our Turquoise & Moonstone formula, Turquoise dominates the necklace as the primary gemstone, and White Flash Moonstone supports its work as its symbiotic, partner stone.
How Moonstone Supports Turquoise

The CV meridian, or central vessel, is shown here in white.
Symbiotic Moonstone supports healing Turquoise in four ways:
1. Moonstone moderates Turquoise’s drying nature because Moonstone is moistening.
When Turquoise is strung by itself, or in a design where it’s at the front of a necklace, it can inhibit the conception vessel (CV) meridian, also known as the central vessel. This is a very important acupuncture meridian that runs up the midline of the front of the body (see graphic to the right). When a single Moonstone is located in the center of the necklace, that channel is supported rather than inhibited.
2. Moonstone helps the Turquoise delineate vibrations that have lost their moist or dry identity so they can separate into layers.
Together, Turquoise and Moonstone organize moist and dry frequencies of the body such that each moist layer is surrounded by a dry one.
Energetically, the body is made of a collection of vibrations of various types. No matter their nature or purpose, these vibrations have either a moist or dry nature. Vibrations that are considered moist are somewhat looser than dry vibrations. They have a lower frequency. Dry vibrations have a higher frequency, are packed closer together, and are better at protecting the areas that have moist vibrations.
3. Moonstone’s cooling nature complements Turquoise’s cooling nature.
The sum of these natures produces a gentle, soothing effect. Through Turquoise’s centering ability, areas that are too warm are gradually drawn toward a more balanced temperature.
4. White Flash Moonstone strengthens Turquoise’s uplifting effect.
White Flash Moonstone has a definite affinity for the supraphysical aura, which is the band of vibrations closest to the physical body. Turquoise lifts the body’s vibrations toward its supraphysical potential. When Moonstone is strung with Turquoise, they work together to lift a wearer’s overall vibrations closer to the supraphysical, where healing changes are more easily made.
Two Purposes of the Central Moonstone
The design of our Turquoise & Moonstone necklace is unique. It does not follow any of the patterns we use in our other healing gemstone necklaces.
Instead, the arrangement of the two gems is determined mostly by their properties, particularly their drying and moistening natures.
A single Moonstone is placed at the very center of the necklace for two reasons:
- It sends a clear message to the body that dryness should surround and contain moisture to maximize self-protection. This one Moonstone (moistening) is surrounded by an abundance of Turquoise (drying).
- It supplies moisture to the central vessel. When the necklace is positioned properly, the central Moonstone will be located directly on that meridian.
Supporting Healthy Meridians and Energy Flows
Any healthy meridian or energy flow will have a moist inner channel where the energy moves, surrounded by a band of vibration that’s drier and slightly more concentrated. This is the nature of the structure that contains the flow inside the channel.
In this necklace, the central vessel is supported by the one Moonstone bead in the center with Turquoise around it.
The drier nature of the vibrations that contain a healthy energy flow also help to keep that flow moving. Moist and dry vibrations carry opposite charges. When moist and dry areas are well-defined, the opposite charges between them are more distinct. This encourages energy to flow smoothly and easily along the channel.
When the dry and moist natures of an area are blurred, the difference between the two charges is reduced. As a result, energy flows can become sluggish, and health inevitably wanes.
Wearing Turquoise & Moonstone helps distinguish the charges of moist and dry areas to support healthy flows throughout the body. To do this work, Turquoise should dominate a significant portion of this healing gemstone necklace.
We would normally place a symbiote one-third of the way up the necklace, but in this case, we want more Turquoise on either side of the central Moonstone. This provides a significant uninterrupted length of Turquoise along the sides, which allows the Turquoise to provide a sense of safety and containment.
The rest of the symbiotic Moonstone is strung toward the back of the necklace.
Numerology in Our Turquoise & Moonstone Necklace
Another benefit of adding symbiotic gemstones to a necklace is that they allow us to incorporate numerology into the design, which supports the gems’ work.
Along with the single sphere in the front center of the necklace, there are two sets of three White Flash Moonstone gems, one on each side.
The number three supports movement. It initiates the changes required for movement to occur.
All of Turquoise’s effective qualities involve movement—absorbing, retrieving, unifying, uplifting, and even centering, which is the movement toward a more peaceful, settled state.
Centering does not mean helping someone to be stable in a centered place. That would be the effective quality of stabilizing, which is a lack of movement to maintain a position. Black Rhodonite is one example of a gem that is stabilizing. Centering, on the other hand, is the active process of making the adjustments required to move into better balance.
To support Turquoise’s centering effect, we want the total number of symbiotes in the necklace to be an odd number. Odd numbers support movement.
There are five Turquoise beads between the clasp and the three Moonstone on each side of the necklace. This design also has a purpose. The number five has an affinity with the causal body, as does Turquoise itself.
The length of any Turquoise & Moonstone necklace is determined by the number of Turquoise between the three Moonstone in the back and the single Moonstone at the very front. We use a multiple of five Turquoise along the sides of the necklace to accentuate that causal influence. This supports Turquoise’s affinity with time, and its ability to help you feel more at peace in the here and now.
The healing Turquoise & Moonstone necklace has a full range of odd numbers represented, with one Moonstone in the center, three Moonstone in the back on each side, and seven symbiotic Moonstone in all, plus five Turquoise at the very back and multiples of five along the sides.
With all these odd numbers involved in this necklace, the urge for movement—for positive change—is clear. When you wear these healing gemstones, you can be confident that every detail of its construction has been carefully considered to support your healing journey.