While the aura is typically depicted as layers of light surrounding the body, this is only one of two ways to describe its relationship to a person. This common depiction reflects the body-centered model; the other is called the Soul-centered model. Both are equally valid and true.
The Body-Centered Model
As you might expect, the body-centered model puts the physical body in the center, with its energy field, or aura, surrounding it. Most people have some idea of what the aura is, but they might not realize that it has several different layers. Using healing gemstones and Gemstone Therapy techniques, you can palpate distinct levels of vibration surrounding the body. By applying gemstones in the aura, you can learn to feel these layers—even if you can’t see them. Doing so can give you ample proof they exist.

The layers of the aura per the body-centered model. From the body, the supraphysical layer is in green, the emotional in pink, the causal/memory in yellow, the mental in blue, and the intuitive in indigo. The non-local highest self lies beyond.
According to the body-centered model, the layers of the aura appear in this order, starting with the layer closest to the body and extending outward: supraphysical, emotional (sometimes called astral), causal (sometimes called karmic or memory level), mental, and intuitive. Some people consider the intuitive layer as a very narrow band. But the application of gemstones in the aura has demonstrated this layer can extend a considerable distance, perhaps infinitely.
In this model, our spiritual self, or Soul, is somewhere out beyond these layers. It’s non-local, so we can’t identify exactly where it is, but we have a sense that it’s out past the intuitive body overlooking all.
This is the model that comes into play when you wear therapeutic necklaces or apply Gemstone Therapy to the aura. The gemstone energies radiate in all directions to fill your body and your aura. With nourishment, they can expand to their potential and engage your ability to self-heal more efficiently.
When giving a remote Diamond and Gemstone Therapy, a practitioner freely moves between the body-centered and soul-centered models to provide the most meaningful session possible.
The Soul-Centered Model
While you may not realize it, you use the Soul-centered model daily. Every time you look within for an answer, or to verify your feelings, or to use your brain to solve a problem, you’re using this model.
From the Soul-centered viewpoint, your highest self lies in the center of you. This is your innermost, truest self and the source of your highest intelligence. There are different names for the divine aspect of who we are, but they all refer to the same thing: our spiritual highest self.
If you close your eyes and try to sense that part of you, it’s easy to understand the truth of this model. Indeed, your spiritual self is within you, at the core, where your inner knowing and higher wisdom reside. It can be hard for the mind to grasp how everything else is organized around the Soul, but this model illustrates it in an understandable way.

In the Soul-centered model, your highest spiritual self lies deep within you, at your core, surrounded by the other layers of the aura.
The Soul is surrounded by the layers of the aura as follows: Emanating from that center core is a field of energy that can be identified as your intuitive aura. This layer of the aura protects your highest self and communicates your highest spiritual knowing to your mind. That’s why we call this layer the source of your intuition. It’s how your highest intelligence communicates to your mind, which processes the information as a thought.
The mind receives guidance from the intuition because it surrounds the intuitive layer and provides yet another layer of protection for Soul. Encompassing the mind is the causal or memory layer, which keeps track of all your experiences. Cocooning the causal layer is your emotional layer. Finally, the physical body encases all the layers, which come together to support your physical experience.
With this model, you have the greatest command over all the layers of your aura. From the Soul viewpoint, it is easier to see the mind, the emotions, and your physical experience objectively. Because the Soul is well protected inside of you, it isn’t affected by the outside influences that commonly obstruct and cloud the auric layers in the body-centered model.
Like a gemstone sphere, which radiates its energy in all directions, Soul radiates its light ubiquitously. From this viewpoint, it sees and knows everything about us, especially the causative factors of things before they manifest.
In Gemstone Therapy, testing one’s main color ray is done using the Soul-centered model. We want to find out which of the seven colors is presently resonating best with our highest self, so that we can provide it with that color to improve its vitality.
Moonstone is one gemstone whose modus operandi works particularly well in the Soul-centered model. One has simply to wear a therapeutic Moonstone necklace and this model naturally comes into play.
But first, let’s look at how Moonstone works in the body-centered model. Here, Moonstone energy radiates outward from the body to vitalize the supraphysical aura, which is the auric layer immediately surrounding the body. The supraphysical has a reflective property that gives us feedback to improve the quality of our actions and reactions.
Yet this reflection benefit also supports the Soul-centered model. As the light of our innermost star radiates out, Moonstone energy reflects some of it back, giving feedback that helps our highest self to shine even more brightly. When you wear a Moonstone necklace, you naturally become more sensitive to what you need, and your aura becomes a better deflector of what you don’t.

Chrysoprase is the primary gemstone in our Rising Light formula, which also contains symbiotic Pink Sapphire and Freshwater Pearl.
Chrysoprase is an example of another gemstone that supports the Soul-centered model. If you look at its action first from the body-centered model, we would say that this gemstone works differently than others. Instead of radiating its energies into the aura, it draws light up and into the body from the “inside.” It draws this light from beyond the atomic level of manifestation through the molecules and cells and into the organs and tissues.
From the Soul-centered model, Chrysoprase simply allows the light of our highest spiritual self to shine outward through all layers of our being.
Gemstone Therapy helps us understand our aura, which allows us to better understand ourselves. This can only lead to greater steps on our journey to improved health.
As you consider these two models, don’t exhaust your mind trying to superimpose the two—because you can’t. In both models, we’re on the inside looking out. But from the body-centered model, we look out into what we’ve manifested; in the Soul-centered model, we observe our spirituality. Both can exist simultaneously.
At any time, we can shift our attention from the body-centered model that runs our daily lives, and move it inward to follow the Soul-centered model. From this view, it is easier to imagine and therefore manifest new physical and emotional circumstances. If we don’t like the experiences we’re having, we have the power to change them by dreaming up new and different ones.
When you wear healing gemstone necklaces when practicing the Soul-centered model, their energies tend to move inside your body as they radiate inwardly toward your highest self in the center. To do this, they pass through your physical tissue to uplift it more directly than they can otherwise.
The truth is these two models can and do coexist. Both are verifiable, and both help us to better understand our true selves, the different aspects that make us who we are, and how those parts relate to the world around us.