In a world where so much attention is given to letting go of what isn’t good for us, it might surprise you to learn that the body has an entire system dedicated to holding on. It’s called the storage system.
Although this system isn’t recognized by Western medicine, its imbalance is apparent everywhere: excessive weight, decayed teeth, mineral-poor bones, low energy, lackluster hair—these are all signs that the storage system isn’t working as it should.
Physically, the storage system regulates the storage of resources. It helps decide what the body keeps and where to put it. Proper collection prevents useful resources from leaking out.
The storage system also contains pools of toxic and unwanted energies, such as intruding negative thoughts and emotions, and isolates them from the rest of the body, where they can’t cause any harm. This type of storage usually takes place in the bones, muscles, or fascia. At all costs, the body tries to keep harmful energies away from the visceral organs.
Both physically and energetically, a healthy storage system is wise and efficient in what it keeps and where it keeps it. Physically, it governs the production of adipose tissue to store excess carbohydrates and prompts the bones to store minerals and the liver to store a few types of vitamins. The muscles, spleen, thyroid, fascia, and skin harbor certain other nutrients. But most nutrients are not stored. Instead, they need to be continually supplied on a daily basis in the food we eat.
The storage system also governs the storage of emotions, memories, thoughts, and various types of useful information, as well as healing, life-giving energy. It regulates which of these to receive and hold on to and decides when to release them for the body’s use.
Storing Emotions
A healthy emotional body will harbor and guard baseline positive feelings. These include sensations of peace and contentment. It doesn’t hold on to much else. The more emotionally charged feelings, whether positive or negative, pass through without being stored. But when the emotional body and its storage system are weakened, negative emotions accumulate and become difficult to let go. If you’re in this situation, you may find yourself experiencing the same emotions over and over again.
Storing Memories
In the causal body, on the other hand, a healthy storage system is essential and active nearly constantly. It maintains the memory storage facilities and helps decide which memories to receive and hold on to and where to put them.
When an unhealthy storage system in the causal body falters in its duties, memory storage becomes inefficient or incomplete, or information gets stored in the physical body where it doesn’t belong. Traumatic memories can get locked into physical tissues and their emotional counterparts. In this case, it’s more than the storage system that needs support in the client’s healing processes.
Storing Thoughts
Mental-body storage is unique. In the physical world, we think of storage as something that takes place in a specific structure, whether it’s a filing cabinet, a set of drawers, or a computer’s memory card. In these instances, the storage location is a set place and doesn’t move.
In the mental body, thoughts are only stored if they keep moving along the thought stream. If this movement slows, information is lost. The flow of life-giving energy from your highest self through your mental body keeps thoughts fresh and new.
Consider how a river sometimes forms circular eddies near its banks, where water gets caught. These happen in the mental body as well. Where the life-giving flow falters, certain thoughts recirculate, repeating themselves. As they do, their life energy wanes and they tend to grow more negative over time. By doing something to release the thought eddies, such as Gemstone Therapy, the mind can become free of them.
Thoughts, especially creative ones, are more productive and interesting when the thought stream moves evenly, freely, and continuously though the mind. Negative thoughts move, too, and can be let go once they run their course—as long as the individual doesn’t call them back by giving them attention.
Storage in the Physical Body
The physical nutrients and the healing, life-giving energies that this system is responsible for storing take us beyond mere survival. They help us feel well, look good, heal quickly, and have the energy to enjoy life. Mostly, this energy passes through the body newly every day. But the body does make provisions for times when we must overwork ourselves.
Key areas where it stores its reserves are the chakra back doors, the bones, and the supraphysical aura. True depletion occurs when we use up our reserves and the body has no choice but to draw life-giving energy from vital areas. It usually starts by taking energy from the skin and then draws from increasingly deeper tissues as needed. For this reason, prolonged depletion can lead to serious physical malfunction.
The storage system also decides what not to receive, not to keep, and not to store. When the storage system is just getting by, it isolates and contains the bad stuff. That’s the best it can do.
What a Healthy Storage System Can Do
When it has enough vitality, the storage system helps the body deflect what it doesn’t need, or let go of it later. A healthy storage system periodically takes inventory. You know this is happening when you get an urge to clean out a closet. This discarding process usually affects you on all levels.
Even by continually supporting the storage system—by working with Gemstone Therapy, for example—the really toxic stuff may never come out. The body contains it responsibly because it would be too risky to release it. If discharged into the body, certain stored toxins could be damaging.
In order for this system to stay alert and effective, it needs periodic energetic support. The body prioritizes which systems need its attention. Because the storage system isn’t responsible for vital functions, like the circulatory or respiratory system, it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. As a result, the bad stuff tends to collect, and the good stuff often leaks out or doesn’t get stored in the first place.
We can’t always rely on our own body to support our storage system, because other systems usually take priority. But we can give our storage system outside support and we are fortunate that Mother Earth offers help in the form of healing gemstones.
Vitalizing Gemstones for the Storage System
Every system in the body can be vitalized and uplifted by the energies of certain healing gemstones. For the storage system, this gemstone formula is Yellow Calcite & Orange Sapphire.
Yellow Calcite softens, dissolves, and seals, acting upon both the container and the contained. If the membranes guarding the body from toxins are breached, Yellow Calcite energy can shore them back up to help stop the leakage.

Yellow Calcite & Orange Sapphire Gemstone Therapy necklace.
Since these toxins can include old and unwanted thoughts and feelings, wearing Yellow Calcite and its partner stone, Orange Sapphire, can help a person feel less haunted by them.
If necessary, Yellow Calcite energy can act upon contents stored in the body. Clumps of unwanted energies can be disbanded, making them easier to release, and valuable energies can be diffused so they can be distributed in smaller, more careful amounts.
Orange Sapphire has a regulating effect. It helps to make sure that harmful energies stay contained if the body can’t handle their release and that useful energies are only released when needed.
The adaptive nature of Orange Sapphire helps the body respond to the discharge of toxins or influx of healing vibrations, because there’s always a vibrational shift when that occurs.
We pair Yellow Calcite with Orange Sapphire to create an ideal gemstone formula for vitalizing all aspects of the storage system.
Together, the gemstones’ energies work to regulate and support storage functions throughout the body, emotions, memory, and mind. By softening energetic boundaries, they allow necessary information and energy to come in and negative, unwanted, or unnecessary energies to be released.
Wearing Yellow Calcite with Orange Sapphire can therefore help you hold on to helpful and life-giving energies in your body, emotions, memory, and mind, even as your body ages. The gems help you let out what you feel is harmful or no longer needed in your body and your life and become more efficient with the energies you carry with you.
This formula can also help soften and resolve stiffness, tension, and lack of flexibility and elasticity, as well as rigid mindsets, habitual negative emotional responses, and unhealthy patterns that are difficult to break.
Yellow Calcite with Orange Sapphire is a good remedy for when you are having difficulty holding on to things you want or love or when good things come into your life but leave too soon. It is also a particularly helpful formula for when you feel weighed down by emotions, thoughts, or circumstances or when you are ready to rally your resources to make a change and rebuild your life for the better.
Even if you are not experiencing signs of a weakened storage system, you can likely benefit from wearing Yellow Calcite with Orange Sapphire. We all have changes we want to make in our lives and good things we want to hold on to. By vitalizing the storage system, Yellow Calcite with Orange Sapphire lets you keep what you need and release what’s hurting you or holding you back, so you can move forward on your healing journey.
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Thank you so much for this post! I now understand the storage system better than ever and I can’t wait to work with it.