Why a Gemstone Works

At the Gemstone Therapy Institute, we’re interested in what a gemstone does, but more importantly WHY it has these effects. Just knowing a gemstone’s benefits gives you only superficial knowledge. We’re interested in the deep and comprehensive understanding that can help anyone choose the healing gemstone necklace that’s right for them. But that can also guide a practitioner to know which gemstone’s healing energies are most appropriate and when.

To get a full understanding of Blue Flash Moonstone or any healing gemstone, you have to know where its energy typically accumulates, its effect on temperature—is it warming or cooling—whether it’s drying or moistening, how it moves energy, and also its five essential influences. We also call them a gemstone’s five effective qualities.

In this article, I’ll talk about each of these effective qualities and the types of benefits they produce for the healing gemstone Blue Flash Moonstone. This will give you a better understanding of why it works.

It’s important to note that every healing gemstone works best when paired with a symbiotic stone that can support, catalyze, and strengthen it. Blue Flash Moonstone’s symbiotic stone is Blue Sapphire. When paired with Blue Sapphire, Blue Flash Moonstone is better equipped to deliver its five effective qualities.

The five effective qualities of Blue Flash Moonstone are homogenizing, centering, uniting, expanding, and awakening.

1. Homogenizing

As soon as you wear Blue Flash Moonstone & Blue Sapphire as a necklace, it starts the process of homogenizing your aura. When your energy field becomes homogenous, it manifests as an unbroken spectrum of vibrations from the lowest physical vibrations to the mind’s highest.

When your vibrations are streamlined, there are no gaps where information could get lost or skewed. No holes to attract unwanted energies or drain precious nutrients, and no excess to burden your emotions, memory, and mind.

This is the ideal state and represents health. It’s the state that Blue Flash Moonstone encourages your energy field to recreate. The gemstone doesn’t give you this homogenized state immediately as that would be curative, and gemstones don’t work that way. But Blue Flash Moonstone does guide your energy field to accept an increasingly greater experience of homogenization.

When your aura is homogenous, you’re able to recognize your thoughts, memories, and emotions for what they truly are. You have more control over which ones you want to modify and which to share. You can also express them more authentically.

Your mind is less likely to trigger reactive emotions, and your memories are less likely to fill your thoughts with fear and apprehension.

In addition, information flows more freely and easily throughout all aspects of you. How you truly feel and think about something becomes clearer and your creativity is enhanced.

When you place a Blue Flash Moonstone sphere on a certain point, that homogenization is focused on that point and its associated anatomy. Plus, all its corresponding energetic anatomy. Namely, the span of vibrations that extends from the physical point on the body, through the expanse of the aura. This includes all corresponding points in the emotional, causal, and mental bodies.

A necklace or bracelet placement would have the same effect, but on a larger area that is in contact with the gemstones. This is why wearing necklaces is preferred when you want to support homogenization throughout your body. The energies of the gemstones in a necklace that you wear radiate evenly throughout your body and being.

A bracelet or poultice-like placement targets just one area.

2. Centering

Centering is another effective quality of Blue Flash Moonstone. While other healing gemstones provide a similar effect, Blue Flash Moonstone’s method of centering is completely unique.

Tanzanite, for example, centers by drawing the body’s attention to the central channel that runs vertically through the center of the physical body. Green Nephrite Jade centers by strengthening the body’s centripetal flows and calling scattered energies in from all directions. Wearing Agate centers by helping you identify your core and connecting you with Earth’s energy. These all give attention to a center somewhere inside the physical body.

blue flash moonstone hanging on treeBlue Flash Moonstone recognizes the center as the area of highest vibration in your body—wherever that may be. This is where health is already most manifest. Then it aligns the body’s energy to that area so it can be supported even more, and then so that it can help uplift the rest of the body.

This is a natural process of health maintenance. A healthy body knows where its highest vibrations are. It knows that if it builds channels to these areas, it can uplift all other areas of the body.

But it often fails when the body’s attention gets pulled in too many directions. Distractions such as excessive sensory stimulation, burdens on the digestive and immune systems, and attacks on the respiratory and endocrine systems, for example, give the body too much work just to maintain status quo. It’s difficult to allocate resources to general health improvement when acute issues need to be addressed first.

Blue Flash Moonstone & Blue Sapphire can support this natural function, when the rest of the body is too busy trying to maintain itself.

Blue Flash Moonstone energy doesn’t move away from areas of low vibration, nor does it pool at areas of highest vibration. Instead, due to its affinity with wholeness, its energy spreads throughout, then arranges itself into lines that can look like neatly combed fibers that point toward the healthiest area of the body. These lines mirror and essentially stand in for the channels the body would otherwise form around its islands of greatest health.

This has a tremendous organizing effect, which is specifically supported by symbiotic Blue Sapphire. It also draws the attention of all the intelligence centers in the surrounding area. Blue Flash Moonstone’s work with the body’s intelligence centers is discussed in more detail later in this blog under its fifth effective quality: awakening.

3. Uniting

Blue Flash Moonstone’s ability to unite a person’s entire energy field starts with its ability to quickly spread throughout the body and aura soon after the gem is worn or applied.

This is not a mechanical movement like how water fills a glass or smoke disperses in the air. It isn’t like Dark Green Aventurine energy, which arrives first in the cells and then radiates outward, or like Rose Quartz energy, which enters the muscles first and then starts filling the emotional body almost exclusively.

Blue Flash Moonstone energy reaches the entire aura at the same time, although it can take time for it to move more deeply into these areas. This occurs for two reasons:

  1. The gem has an affinity with wholeness and the entire body-aura system. It needs to encompass the entire body and aura as soon as possible so it can initiate its effects.
  2. Blue Flash Moonstone has an affinity with dimensions beyond the third, in which we live. In the third dimension, gemstone energies disperse directionally, and it takes time to fill an area. In higher dimensions, Blue Flash Moonstone can be everywhere at once. The element of time is not required.

Once in place, Blue Flash Moonstone’s effective qualities begin, including that of uniting. This gem helps to unite one’s entire energy field, and it does so by reconciling opposites.

In other words, it helps a person find solutions to problems that cannot be solved mentally, because most of life’s conundrums cannot be solved with the mind. Rather, the gem’s energy unifies by encouraging acceptance of the extremes or opposing viewpoints involved, and then focusing on what lies between them.

This brings a sense of wholeness to a person’s awareness. They are raised to a position where both viewpoints can coexist and still be true. This position contains a semblance of dimensions beyond the third, where the reconciliation of opposites can occur.

The reconciliation of opposites involves Blue Flash Moonstone’s centering effect. You’ll find most of a gemstone’s effective qualities work together to further the gemstone’s healing mission.

Therefore, the gem’s centering ability plays a part in its uniting effect. And yet, what lies at the very center of your being depends on your viewpoint.

Some people believe that the body lies at the center of their being, which means that they’re surrounded by layers of an aura in which their spirituality is the layer farthest away. Yet many have a strong sense that the spiritual self lies at the center—the light within the core of one’s being. In this perspective, the body is the outermost layer of themselves.

Both viewpoints are true, and there’s a natural energetic mechanism that helps a person reconcile opposing viewpoints in general. Blue Flash Moonstone supports that mechanism.

In the effort to improve your health, you might be confronted with similar opposites. On the one hand, there’s the desire to heal, and on the other, a belief that your condition is hopeless, or that miracles don’t happen.

I’m not saying the Blue Flash Moonstone will offer you miracles, but it will help you navigate your own limiting beliefs so they’re less likely to hold you back, especially when they stand in the way of your goals.

Blue Flash Moonstone placed on a specific point on the body can help the body recognize whether that point is in harmony with itself or if there are opposing forces tugging at it. Then the associated intelligence centers can work with the gem to reconcile these imbalances.

4. Expanding

Life leads us through one experience after another for the purpose of helping us grow in awareness and understanding. As this occurs, the aura also grows. It becomes more expansive and encompassing.

Blue Flash Moonstone supports the energetic mechanics that enable this natural ability. Such as, the essential elasticity of one’s energetic fabric that allows the aura to stretch and become more expansive.

blue flash moonstone in handWhen this elasticity is hindered for any reason, a person’s growth as a human being can be stunted. They may have a lot of experiences and learn a lot of lessons that might otherwise contribute to expansion, but it doesn’t change them at all. The nature of their energy field is stiff, dry, brittle, immoveable, and generally stuck.

Again, Blue Flash Moonstone supports a natural process in the body. It creates the situation for expansion to occur as it is earned so that a person doesn’t stand in their own way of this natural growth.

This process can be compared to a developing child who continues to outgrow their clothing. Blue Flash Moonstone & Blue Sapphire makes sure that there is always a fresh supply of clothes at the proper size and fit for the child. Whenever significant growth occurs, the child gets something new to wear.

If that didn’t occur, the child would be wearing clothes that get progressively tighter and more uncomfortable. If the discomfort gets bad enough, they might become irritable, claustrophobic, or even self-destructive.

The child may start disliking crowds because they compound the sense of the world closing in. They can become angry, lash out, and behave in negative ways trying to thwart this growth that’s happening within them. It is not true that you can reverse your own growth if you do negative things. It certainly does not alleviate the pressure of clothes that are too small—or an aura that doesn’t have the elasticity to expand as you do.

Yet, inner growth is as inevitable as outer growth.

Lack of elasticity in one’s energy field usually occurs due to a type of dehydration. A deficiency in the supraphysical aura leads to a lack of moisture that supports all body processes. A deficiency throughout the rest of the aura causes a similar lack of moisture that leads to brittleness. This causes an inability to change viewpoints and beliefs and therefore stunts the person’s growth and evolution.

Blue Flash Moonstone’s moistening quality supports its effective quality of expanding. It moistens and softens the energetic fabric of one’s being so that expansion can occur in step with one’s growth.

5. Awakening

Blue Flash Moonstone’s awakening quality refers to a natural energetic process in which the body recognizes and receives help from its intelligence centers.

Intelligence centers exist in every molecule, cell, organ, and system, as well as in our body, emotions, memory, and mind. The intelligence centers are always looking to our inherent blueprints of optimal health for guidance. Intelligence centers then carry out the blueprints’ instructions.

Your body is either looking toward its intelligence centers and aligning with them or not. If it does, it will get the help it needs to stay healthy or become healthier. If it does not, health wanes. This process occurs at all levels of our being, and it happens in degrees. Most of us aren’t one-hundred percent aligned with our intelligence centers.

It’s easy to see whether growth or decline is happening in your life. You’re either moving forward or you’re not. You’re content with life or you’re angry, depressed, or frustrated. It’s especially easy to see this connection or lack of it in an organ or any other specific area of the body. Is it functioning well? That’s a sign it’s awakened to its inner intelligence.

Awakening then, is the process of one’s molecules, cells, atoms, tissues, organs, and systems learning to receive help from their intelligence centers to function better and overcome problems, unwanted energy, blockages, sluggishness, deficiency, weakness, excess, imbalance, or whatever else may arise.

When an organ or area of the body is moving away from this guidance, it’s more likely to operate off misguided and incorrect information. Molecules and cells can also misbehave. They might not function properly or might start collecting unwanted energy.

How well a person’s cells and organs are awakened to their intelligence centers can be reflected in that person’s life. If they stray from their inner intelligence, it’s more likely they’ll trust in unreliable sources of information and believe what others tell them. They’ll be more easily convinced of things they might otherwise reject were they aligned with their intelligence centers.

This is important, because we tend to equate a person’s gullibility with their intelligence, when it may in fact have more to do with their health.

When a healthy person’s body, and all its parts, are better aligned with their intelligence centers, truth will be more apparent.

When you wear Blue Flash Moonstone & Blue Sapphire, the gemstones’ energies naturally urge all aspects of yourself—from your molecules to your mind—to align with its intelligence centers. Then they can receive the information and nourishment you need to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Blue Flash Moonstone & Blue Sapphire Necklace on Quartz


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