
Regarding the size of the beads in a therapeutic gemstone necklace:

Is bigger better?

(Yes and no!)

The simple answer is yes. Larger-sized spheres (considered 10 mm and up) radiate their energies into the body and aura more quickly. They work faster and deeper than smaller spheres (4–6 mm) of the same quality. Because larger necklaces are stronger, their effects tend to be more noticeable. The larger the diameter of the spheres in your necklace, the more deeply and quickly you’ll experience their therapeutic benefits.

  • If the gemstones’ energies are uplifting to the wearer, then a large-diameter necklace can feel light as a feather.
  • Larger gemstones in a necklace can feel embracing and supportive.
  • Many people tend to size up to larger stones as gemstone energies fill their depletions and strengthen their energy fields, and they want a greater amount of supportive energies.
  • Wear larger sphere sizes to emphasize the coloration of therapeutic gemstone energies. The colors and patterning of the larger spheres are clearer and easier to see. The spheres radiate their energies, sun-like, throughout your body and aura.

White Flash MoonstoneRutilated Quartz Graduated Necklaces


Is bigger always better? The answer is no.


The first and most obvious reason larger gems aren’t always better involves those who have issues with neck and shoulder weakness and find the standard 8–10 mm spheres too heavy. They appreciate the smaller 4–6 mm gemstone necklaces and find them more comfortable to wear.

Those who are new to gemstones and who are energetically sensitive may be leery about the gemstones’ energies. What if they’re too much to handle? They prefer to start with smaller spheres. Curiously, as the gemstone energies fill depletions and strengthen their energy fields, they often start to gravitate toward the larger stones, which provide the support they’ve been missing. But the smaller stones served as a necessary first step into Gemstone Therapy.

A third case for wearing smaller gemstones is for those who have experience with the 8–10 mm version and want to fine-tune their awareness of gemstone energies. Wearing a necklace of smaller-size stones sharpens their perceptions as their intuitive senses reach for the effects these gemstones are having.

The Bottom Line

Large gemstone spheres tend to be stronger and deliver faster, more powerful therapeutic effects. But there are reasons some may prefer to work with smaller-size gemstones, as large gemstones may be too heavy or too strong for certain wearers. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to choose a size that feels comfortable to wear or work with. Provided the gems are of therapeutic quality, they will continue to offer ongoing energetic support for as long as they are worn, regardless of their size.



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