
FAQ: Therapy Diamonds

Isabelle Morton provides thoughtful answers to your most frequently asked questions about TheraDiamonds™.

FAQ Therapy Diamonds

Why won’t you discount Therapy Diamonds?

I realize our policy of not discounting Diamonds goes against the sale culture of our day. But we have good reasons for it. First, we price our Diamonds as fairly as we possibly can, considering their rarity and the amount of work it takes to find them. Second, we feel that it’s a way to respect and honor the Therapy Diamonds and their value.

Most importantly, we feel our policy is in our customers’ best interest. If you find a Therapy Diamond that resonates with you and decide you want it, you’ll feel comfortable purchasing it, knowing the price will stay the same. If we put Diamonds on sale, you might want to wait for a better price, and in the meantime, someone else might buy that Diamond. You might also feel more pressured to buy your Diamond during a sale and choose one that doesn’t quite feel right. So the policy supports your peace of mind.

Are all diamonds therapeutic?

Only about 2% of the diamonds that meet the physical criteria also carry the 7-color-ray spectrum that gives them therapeutic value.

Our diamond buying-trips take three days, and I travel with a staff member. One time we looked through hundreds of diamonds and came home with only nine. On our best trip ever, we found 17.

What makes a diamond therapeutic?

It’s the combination of physical and energetic parameters. We are currently unable to quantify the energetic criteria using today’s technology. This energetic quality is the presence of a 7-color-ray spectrum broadcast by the diamond. This is not the colorful fire that a well-cut diamond displays under certain lighting conditions.

Why haven’t jewelers noticed that some diamonds feel better than others?

Diamond dealers always handle diamonds with tweezers. They don’t hold them in their hands. I myself don’t notice a difference among diamonds when I use tweezers either.

You have to pick them up, one at a time, and hold them in your hands to inspect them. This of course is safe if the diamond is therapeutic. The risk is that you’ll pick up a non-therapeutic one and hold it for a while before you realize it’s disrupting your energy field. Then, only a true Therapy Diamond can correct the damage. Only Diamond can heal the negative effects of another diamond. There’s an interesting physical parallel in that only a diamond can scratch another diamond.

What are the effects of non-therapeutic diamonds?

I can speak only for myself and the individuals I’ve seen affected by non-therapeutic diamonds.

The symptoms can vary. I have gotten suddenly sick, sleepy, unable to focus, spacy, disconnected, or knocked out of phase with my body, making me feel so ungrounded I hardly knew where I was. But I’m extra sensitive to diamond energy.

I have seen people with anomalies in their aura so dramatic that only a diamond could produce them. As above, so below; inevitably these anomalies will manifest in the person’s body in one way or another.

Why do you think millennials are less interested in purchasing diamond engagement rings than other generations?

In general, the individuals of this generation are more energetically sensitive. This sensitivity makes them uncomfortable in the presence of non-therapeutic diamonds—including those mounted in rings. It can extend even to the diamond rings worn by others in their immediate vicinity.

So, unconsciously, enough of the younger generation has steered away from diamonds that it has become a cultural preference at this point.

How does Diamond Therapy compare or interact with Gemstone Therapy?

Rarely do I give sessions in which I apply only Therapy Diamonds. Most of the time, I use both therapeutic Diamonds and gemstones. Each does something different.

TheraDiamonds™ help to awaken the inherent blueprints of optimal health and function. These blueprints guide your body’s ability to heal and maintain its health.

Once the blueprint for healing comes forward, people often need the nourishment that only the gemstones can give. The healing energies of gemstones are deeply nourishing and give the body the strength it needs to make the changes that the blueprints suggest.

In my practice, I find that the combination of both modalities is an ideal way to support my clients.

Does Diamond have a symbiotic gem?

A symbiotic gemstone supports, strengthens, and enhances the work of the primary gemstone. As the master crystal, there is no other gemstone that is symbiotic to Diamond.

However, Therapy Diamonds are the ultimate symbiotic stone. They can support, strengthen, and enhance the work of any gemstone.

How can I benefit if I can’t afford a Diamond?

Our Diamond Sprays are the answer for those who are not yet ready or unable to purchase a Therapy Diamond. The sprays awaken your body’s blueprints and help clear what stands between you and them, just like a Therapy Diamond does. But with sprays, the effect lasts a short period of time.

When you work with a Diamond, the blueprints’ wake-up call lasts long after you finish applying the Diamond. The spray is like a brief reminder. It stimulates the blueprints, but only for as long as the mist remains. This gentle nudge can be enough to give you the support you need, especially if the spray is applied often and regularly.

However, the Diamond Spray cannot be applied in the same ways as an actual Diamond, so it does not offer the wide range of unique benefits that are possible when working with a physical Diamond.

Does a lower color grade mean that the Diamond has less power?

In the diamond industry, color is rated D through Z for diamonds in the natural color range. D-colored diamonds are essentially colorless. Z-colored diamonds have an unmistakable color, usually yellow, gray, or brown. We have sold Diamonds in the O–P and TUV range that had a beautiful pale-yellow color, while still carrying the seven color rays.

A diamond’s physical color is due to chemical or structural impurities. Diamonds become yellow when nitrogen atoms get caught in the diamond’s carbon matrix. Boron atoms make a diamond blue. The purer its carbon matrix, the stronger a Therapy Diamond will work. That being said, many people find that Diamonds of pure color in the D–G range are too strong as their effects tend to be more straightforward and direct. Some people prefer a stone with a lower color rating because of its gentler nature.

A gentler nature doesn’t mean the concentration of the Diamond’s color ray spectrum is any less,  or that the stone is not as powerful. For some, gentler is better, and therefore more effective.

What about inclusions in a diamond? Doesn’t a diamond have to be a pure stone to work? Can inclusions be a problem?

The ability of a diamond to carry color rays is an energetic property separate from physical color or clarity.

I once handled a 13-carat diamond that was rated I-4 clarity. It had so many inclusions you could see them from a distance. Yet it also clearly carried the seven color rays. Still, because of its very low clarity, the diamond was not therapeutic.

We sell only Diamonds that have an acceptable number, amount, type, and location of inclusions. We have found one or two flawless Therapy Diamonds, but these are exceedingly rare.

We do prefer to find Diamonds that have a clarity rating of VVS (very very slightly included) or VS (very slightly included). However, stones rated SI-1, or slightly included, are sometimes acceptable therapeutically and are more affordable.

Is there a Diamond for every person? Shouldn’t I wait for the perfect one?

Choosing a Therapy Diamond is a bit like finding a friend. You feel a clear compatibility. It’s the same with Diamonds. Furthermore, your relationship will grow over time.

How do people choose a Therapy Diamond?

We offer a personal Diamond Concierge Service. This involves a phone consultation with a trained Diamond professional. She will describe the Diamonds we have in stock and help you connect with each one energetically until you find the one that is most compatible with you.

Some people sense that their Diamond is calling to them. They know it when they feel it. Others choose based on certain physical quality parameters. They want a very high clarity or color rating, or both. Intuition and inner guidance often play a big role.

The shortest Diamond Concierge session we’ve had so far lasted about ten minutes. The customer had already connected with the size and feeling of her Diamond and found it right away. Usually, the sessions last about an hour.

What happens if I don’t find a Diamond during my first concierge session?

If you don’t find your Diamond on your first try, you are welcome to request the return of your deposit. Or, you can keep your deposit with us and keep your place on the waiting list. Then you’ll get first choice of new Diamonds when we find them.

Can a person have more than one Diamond meant for them?

Yes. There may be several that you are attracted to. If this is the case, make your decision based on budget, your preferred color and clarity parameters, and the size of the Diamond. The larger the stone, the easier it will be to handle. When you apply Diamond Therapy either to yourself or someone else, you’ll be handling the Diamond with your fingers most of the time.

You will need two Diamonds to complete the Diamond Therapy level 2 certification and become a fully certified Diamond Therapy Practitioner.

Will I need different Therapy Diamonds to work with different clients?

You’ll be able to apply your Therapy Diamond with anyone who wants to experience it. In the Diamond 111 training, you’ll learn how to use your Diamond in ways that can benefit anyone you work with (including pets).

Using moderating techniques, a practitioner can safely apply a Therapy Diamond of any size, even relatively large ones .7 carat and up. You’ll also learn how to use a smaller diamond, say around .3 carat, to best advantage.

Can you tell me if my diamond ring is therapeutic?

When people ask me this question, I’m placed in a tough spot because people who wear diamond rings usually love them. It’s likely the diamond is part of an engagement ring, a wedding band, or a family heirloom with sentimental value, or they bought it themselves for a meaningful reason.

I ask if it makes them happy. If they say yes, then I’ll say yes, because in a broad sense, it’s therapeutic. If they inquire further, I’ll remind them that only 2% of diamonds that meet the physical parameters carry the seven color rays. Their next step in their diamond’s evaluation would be to have a local jeweler provide a plot map of the stone.

Can I wear a Therapy Diamond in a ring?

Yes! I started wearing a ¾ carat Therapy Diamond in a ring in 2017 and haven’t stopped wearing it. It gives me gentle but constant color-ray nourishment 24/7.

When I first began working with Diamonds in the late 1980s, I understood that the metal prongs in a jewelry setting caged the energies of Diamonds, and that this was true with Diamonds up to about one carat. But I had never tested it for myself. Indeed, I wanted it to be true, because if it wasn’t, how would I explain to people that their beloved diamond rings might be causing problems?

I believe that those sensitive enough to the effects of a diamond that carries harmful energies probably wouldn’t choose such a diamond in the first place. If they had no choice, it’s likely they would intuitively find reasons not to wear the ring, or accidentally lose it.

Can I send my ring in to have it tested?

Yes, but first you must go to a local jeweler to get your stone appraised with a plot map.

If its clarity rating is SI-1 or better, contact us to have your diamond’s energy evaluated. Keep in mind, there is only a 2% chance it will pass. Only about two in every hundred diamonds meet the criteria to qualify as a TheraDiamond™.

Once we examine your plot map and let you know it’s okay to send your diamond in for evaluation, you’ll need to have it removed from the setting. We can evaluate only loose diamonds.

We charge $150 for the evaluation service, plus the cost of shipping and insurance to send the stone back to you.
If your diamond meets our criteria for therapeutic quality, we will return it with a certificate of authenticity.

Can I purchase a diamond at my jewelers? He always gives me a good deal.

You are certainly welcome to buy diamonds anywhere you’d like.

We sell only TheraDiamonds™ and they will be more expensive than diamonds you can get locally because they are so very rare and it takes us hours to find each one.

Don’t see your question? Contact us!


Get Started with Diamonds Today

Shop for Diamonds

Sign up for our world class Diamond Concierge Service

During your private one-hour concierge appointment, you’ll get to experience the TheraDiamonds that fit your parameters for size, quality, and budget. By the end of your session, you’ll be able to recognize the Diamond that’s meant for you.


Learn Diamond Therapy

Take the first easy step with Diamond 101

This video home-study course with manual tells you how to care for, store, travel with, and cleanse your new TheraDiamond. Plus simple ways to use it for self-healing. A $600 value, the course is yours free with your TheraDiamond purchase.


Listen to a Diamond Healing Journey

Remotely experience the benefits of Therapy Diamonds

In this 30-minute audio, Isabelle Morton leads you on a guided healing journey that allows you to remotely experience four ways that a Therapy Diamond can reconnect you with your personal blueprints of optimal health and function.


Free Ebook:

Top 20 Healing Gemstones for Everyday Use