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The first time I gave a remote Diamond and Gemstone Therapy session to a hospice patient, it was at the request of her son.

He wasn’t hoping to save his mother’s life; he knew she had only a few days at most to live.

But he sensed his mom was afraid to let go and wanted to see if my work could make her feel more at peace, and perhaps also ease her impending transition to the other worlds.

I typically begin sessions with new clients by giving them a full chakra evaluation. It gives me a wealth of information about their overall health, vitality, and demeanor, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they’re coping with life’s routine stress and challenges.

To my absolute surprise, my client’s chakra system was relatively healthy, with only some minor anomalies. The chakra vortexes themselves were brimming with color—every one of them was bright and true. They had responded as though eager for healing.

Other parts of my client’s body were clearly failing—specifically her systems—but the intention of the session wasn’t to restore them, so I didn’t give them attention. Instead, I focused on making sure that all seven components of her chakra system were keeping her energy moving. Doing so would ease her transition, as requested.

I was also keen on making sure the yellow color ray was strong within her. This is the color ray that supports transitions at both ends of a lifespan. It’s an essential color to have in abundance for a healthy conception as well as birth. It’s also important for easing the final detachment from the body. Since Yellow Sapphire & White Beryl carries the yellow color ray, that gemstone formula played an important role in the session.

Still, I was curious about the length and beauty of this woman’s chakras given her state of health. I fully expected them to be waning and weakening along with the body until they, too, expired.

I wondered if perhaps she was not destined to pass at this time. Was she about to enjoy a reversal of health, recover, and continue to live awhile longer?

So I checked another part of her chakra anatomy, one that’s a clear indicator of failing health. It showed her flame was indeed about to expire.

But her chakras, I learned, she would take with her.

There’s a reason that death is sometimes described as crossing a rainbow bridge. Her chakras, with all the beautiful colors they carried—the brilliant reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigos, and purples—would become that rainbow bridge she would cross. They would ease her passage and help her establish a healthy inner body in the next world.

I realized that the work I was doing with her chakras would not only ease her transition from this lifetime to the next. It would also ensure that she was going to become a healthy light body on the other side.

Her son contacted me three days later to let me know his mom had passed peacefully the night before. He was grateful for the session, as it had relaxed her and left her feeling more at peace.

I felt deeply grateful that I could help in this situation, and was left with a much greater understanding of the importance that chakras plays in our health and at all stages of life.

Applied Chakra Analysis

Learn how to work with your own chakras in my new six-week course, GDI 122: The Applied Chakra Analysis Method.

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Registration closes Thursday, March 30th. 

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    Adamantia Minos says:

    Thank you for the topic to be presented. Need it as I want to learn about chakras from a good source, like you. I am not too sure if it is safe to ‘manipulate’ or open them.

    Isabelle Morton says:

    You’re right, we don’t manipulate chakras but we can work with them with the gemstones that give them the nourishment they need to self-correct. The concept of "open" and "closed" chakras is imprecise. Chakras don’t "close" they either flatten or collapse and that can leave a person feeling that they’re closed. Chakras collapse after a setback that a person is unable to recover from. Again, with nourishment from the Chakra Guardian gemstones (a formula of Tanzanite, White Beryl, and Blue Sapphire) the chakra can be restored to its full vortex length.