In giving thousands of remote Diamond and Gemstone Therapy sessions, I’ve helped my clients to clear a great deal of unwanted energy. Invariably, most people feel it comes from someone or something else. Yet I’d estimate that no more than 20% of the unwanted energy that people collect in their body and aura originates outside of them.
Most of the burden we carry is our own.
The energies of old, outgrown thoughts, viewpoints, concepts, memories, emotions, habits, and behaviors tend to stay with us, like old clothing stuffed in the back of a closet, taking up space.
The more these energies accumulate within us, the less life-giving energy can flow through us. They’re like a foggy blockade, often causing us to feel sluggish in body, mind, and spirit. Our interest and desire to learn, grow, heal, and benefit from our experiences wanes. Life becomes a chore. We are surviving, sure, but we’ve lost the desire to do anything more than that.
In this blog, we’ll discuss where unwanted energy comes from, what happens when it accumulates, and how we can use healing gemstones to clear it from our body and aura.
5 Reasons We Resist Letting Go
First, let’s look at several reasons why we don’t immediately let go of the old to let in the new.
1. Sometimes the lessons we’ve gained from our life experiences are so hard-won we don’t want to forget them. But when we cling to them, they can get stuck in the physical body, where they can cause pain, discomfort, and other issues.
Memories are better and more safely stored in our causal body. They’re like clothing we love that no longer fits us. It’s best removed from the closet, placed in a box, and stored in the attic.
2. Another reason for not letting go of certain memories is that we believe we need to keep them close for reference. This is true for experiences that are both positive and negative. Yet they’re actually more accessible when stored where they belong, in the causal body, where they can be accurately filed and easily retrieved.
When they remain in the body, they can get clouded by our physical natures, and our memories might put a negative spin on what really happened.
3. Some old energy can be held by emotional ties. The energies associated with traumatic memories often fall into this category. However, we can hold onto positive experiences too.
If we have fond memories of life in our 20s or 30s, we might be coveting some of who we once were. This can make the healing changes we want to make in the present harder to do.
4. Old, negative emotions can also be locked in by certain negative thoughts, and vice versa. Letting go our old energy requires the associated thoughts, memories, and emotions to be released too. Once we’re finally able to accomplish this, the negative thoughts usually abate too.
5. It’s the body’s nature to collect and accumulate. It continues to hold on to old energy even when the burden gets so great that we stop growing, stop learning, and start to deteriorate.
Most people’s bodies simply don’t know how to let go of unwanted energy—whether it’s their own or from outside sources. But it isn’t impossible to learn. In fact, it’s essential if we want to live long, healthy, and happy lives.
How to Teach the Body to Let Go
The first step is to show the body that it’s possible to let go. It’s best to start by clearing old energy that hasn’t been stored yet. This is the energy associated with recent experiences. It’s the clothing draped on your chair that still has the tag attached. All you have to do is return it.
The Gemstone Therapy approach to this type of clearing is to use the GEMFormulas Energy Clearing Spray every day. You simply spray it overhead and the gemstone energies imparted into the spray do all the work.
Next, you want to clear the old energy that has already settled into the body and begun accumulating. This energy tends to be harbored in any one or more of the body’s 20 systems, such as the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.
In contrast, unwanted energy from outside sources tends to accumulate in the chakras, lungs, and joints.
This is where more specific Gemstone Therapy protocols are applied. The practitioner has to find out exactly where the unwanted energy is located, how to best access it, and what color rays, chakras, or systems are most closely associated with it. The more precisely this can be done, the more effective the release and subsequent recovery can be.
After that, you can start reaching into the back of the closet for the deep stuff—the old clothing that perhaps you forgot was even there. In Gemstone Therapy, this means clearing out other levels of manifestation, such as the cellular, molecular, and atomic levels, as well as working specifically at the emotional, causal, and mental bodies.
Secrets of Clearing Unwanted Energy
One key to clearing unwanted energy—from any source, including yourself—is to provide nourishment first. Think about it: without a good breakfast, few of us can gather the energy and momentum to clean out a closet.
Another secret to clearing old energy is to use the appropriate tools. Since our thoughts, memories, and emotions are energetic, you need tools that work energetically. Healing Diamonds and gemstones are ideal helpers. They address the four-fifths of our being that is energetic. (Only one-fifth of us is physical.)
Our energetic counterparts, plus our emotions, memories, and thoughts, comprise the vast majority of who we are, and they’re where unwanted energy tends to collect.
Healing Diamonds and gemstones not only provide energetic nourishment, but they’re also excellent clearing tools. They enliven the body with life-giving energy, stimulate our natural, life-giving energy flows, balance excesses, and help us reconnect with the joy of living.
How Healing Gemstones Clear Unwanted Energy
Every gemstone nourishes and clears in its own way—in accordance with its unique nature and mission.

Rose Quartz and its symbiotic stone, Red Spinel
Rose Quartz, for example, nourishes and clears the emotions, as do Morganite, Rhodonite, Pink Chalcedony, Pink Sapphire, and Pink Spinel, although to varying degrees.
More specifically, Rose Quartz nourishes the body so it can release emotions that have accumulated there. By returning these emotional energies to the emotional body, or letting them go entirely, the body is relieved of their burden and the emotional body restores itself.
Morganite nourishes and clears the emotional body to revitalize it. Rhodonite does so in order to build a strong emotional foundation, so we can enjoy courage and strength. Pink Chalcedony nourishes and clears so that we can learn how to calm our emotions and find emotional peace. Pink Sapphire strengthens the overall structure of the emotional body, so we’re less likely to suffer setbacks or be crushed by criticism. Pink Spinel liberates positive emotions to help us reconnect with inner joy. The gems help wean the body off everything that stands in the way of accomplishing these objectives.
For best overall nourishing and clearing, you need a gemstone whose primary job is just that.
The Best Gemstone for Clearing
One healing gemstone stands out among all of the others for this purpose. It’s White Beryl, and its symbiotic gemstone is Turquoise.
These partner stones not only nourish with white light but also effectively clear the body and aura so that their wearers are able to let go of what no longer serves them, store what might be useful later on, and then receive even more white light.
White light nourishes, clears, and uplifts one’s spirits, which is why it’s such a powerful force for healing and improving overall vitality.
Working with White Beryl paired with symbiotic Turquoise in a necklace or bracelet is one of the easiest natural ways to keep your energy field free of unwanted thoughts and emotions of others—and your own.
It helps clear the random unwanted energies that can fog your thinking, cloud your feelings, and weigh you down. It also supports greater clarity, focus, and memory, and improves your overall sense of well-being.
But its most notable benefit may be its ability to uplift and purify energies in the body and aura. Wearing White Beryl & Turquoise teaches us how to separate old, unwanted energy from foreign energy, and helps us determine when to let go of the old or store it properly as needed. It can make it easier to enjoy the process of letting go, and the journeys of growth and transformation.
What Kind of Unwanted Energy Are You Carrying?
The students I teach through the Gemstone Therapy Institute have asked how you can know whether the burden you carry is yours or from someone, something, or somewhere else.
You’ll know your unwanted energy is from external sources when it appears suddenly, you’ve just had a negative experience or interaction, you didn’t listen to your inner guidance to avoid something, or it’s clear that you’re the target of someone’s anger, jealousy, or competitiveness.
Carrying old energy is burdensome. It holds us in place like an anchor, slowing our forward movement in life. It thwarts growth and the exercise of new, more positive, and healthier ways of seeing, being, and feeling.
Unwanted energy from outside sources tends to affect us in more specific ways. It often targets one aspect of our lives and invokes reactions of thought and emotion that are usually negative.
Both types of unwanted energy can feel heavy and make us feel foggy and unwell. Interestingly, both can also make us feel as though we’re being attacked—even old energy that originates within us.
Ultimately, the unwelcome energy that comes from outside of us was allowed into our sphere due to our own ignorance, weakness, or lack of awareness. I know this sounds harsh, especially when one is suffering, but I can speak from personal experience.
If I accept all the unwanted energy I might be feeling as my own—even when I suspect that it came from someone or somewhere else—then I’m taking an important step on my journey to becoming stronger, more resilient, and less likely to pick up these unwanted energies next time.
If I continue to blame the source, I’m also separating myself from the unwanted energy. This is often how it gets stuck in energy cysts or hidden away deep inside the body. In order for our inherent mechanisms of self-healing, self-cleansing, and self-regulation to take place, we have to fully own the unwanted energy. Only then can our body start taking steps to let it go.
I’ve also learned the importance of daily self-clearing to keep the energy I no longer need from collecting. My personal favorite go-to remedy for this is our GEMFormulas Energy Clearing Spray, which is made from a variety of healing gemstones that support clearing, including a substantial amount of White Beryl.
I also typically wear a White Beryl & Turquoise healing gemstone necklace when I give in-person Diamond and Gemstone Therapy sessions. They help my focus stay pure and help keep me safe from the unwanted energies of my clients.
Daily clearing teaches the body that it’s possible to maintain clarity, and the routine makes it easier for the body to let go in the future.