How to Use
Basic Self-Therapy:
1. Hold the bottle above the top of your head, with the sprayer pointing upwards.
2. Spray 3 to 5 times directly upwards, allowing the mist to rain down around your body.
3. Pay attention to your physical and energetic condition before, during, and after using the spray.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Self-Therapy for Specific Areas:
(To target a specific part of your body or a chakra)
1. Hold the bottle about arm’s length away from the targeted area,
with the sprayer pointing toward it.
2. Spray 2 or 3 times. The mist should fully surround the targeted area.
3. Next, hold the bottle at the targeted area, with the sprayer pointing directly away from it.
4. Spray 2 or 3 times, which will send the mist outward and away from the targeted area.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
*Always close your eyes when spraying around the face or head.
*Keep out of reach of children.
Physical Ingredients:
Purified water, gemstone-infused organic grape alcohol.
Imprinted with the Healing Energies of These Gemstones:
7-color-ray Diamond
The Gemstone Mandala Used to Make Body Wisdom Spray:

This Gemandala Consists of:
7-color-ray Diamond
A Study of the Body Wisdom Gemstones:
In this gemandala, concentric circles of Aquamarine surround a single 7-color-ray Diamond. Diamond supports and enhances all of Aquamarine’s benefits. Diamond also has the unique ability to introduce and support an energetic state called “liquidity.” Liquidity promotes greater communication, cohesiveness, concordance, and coherence throughout the target area.
Expands Awareness
Aquamarine broadens the scope of your inner awareness and your body’s awareness of itself. If your awareness is like a flashlight in a dark room, then Aquamarine energy brightens and broadens the scope of the light so that you can see more of what’s there. In this way, Aquamarine expands your awareness to a greater truth about what is going on within you.
If this expanded awareness occurs at a cellular, molecular, or atomic level, it’s likely you won’t be conscious of it. If the expansion occurs at an organ, system, or whole-body level, it’s likely you will. The realization of it usually comes naturally through a thought or in a dream. As a result, you may simply and gracefully change your habits or routine, or be guided to find what you need. To fully appreciate the benefits of this formula, pay careful attention to what’s going on in your life when you take it.
Illuminates Inner Causes
Aquamarine energy promotes awareness of the inner causes of our ailments, most of which stem from the mind (even when emotions are involved). With improved awareness, the mind can better see the consequences of its thoughts and thought patterns. Aquamarine energy helps the mind release its grip on harmful, negative, and limited thinking.
It is commonly reported that Aquamarine can help you find truth and illumination. This simply means that with fewer blockages and less accumulation inhibiting the mind and locking it into limiting concepts, the mind can expand its awareness of itself and its surroundings. This can feel like the kind of expanded awareness that comes with spiritual awakening, but it is not. Gemstone energies work only throughout our levels of manifestation: atomic, molecular, cellular, organ, system, whole-body (including subtle-body), and whole-being.
Clears Blueprints
The body’s blueprints are accessed, cleared, and maintained by Diamond. No other gemstone energy is able to reach this deeply into our essential information database.
Your blueprints exist at all levels of manifestation. They keep safe the fundamental instructions that govern your body’s manifestation in this world. They govern your health, your strengths and weaknesses, and how and when you will age, as well as your body’s capacity to heal and recover.
Blueprints of optimal health do not describe blueprints of immortality or freedom from disease. Rather, they signify the absolute best that you can be. Two caveats here: One, your absolute best starts to become clouded once you are born into your present incarnation. Two, your absolute best can be improved.
At birth, we incorporate karma from previous lifetimes, take on our parents’ energies or issues, and begin to amass our own. This is where Diamond and Gemstone Therapy can be helpful, and in particular the Body Wisdom Spray. Use it when you are working to clear and resolve this karmic burden so that your blueprint information can guide your life more clearly.
Your absolute best can be improved when you realize that you can surpass what’s been given to you, and begin co-creating your own course through life. By opening yourself to the life force and accepting its gifts and guidance, your potential is your own to decide. The Body Wisdom Spray can help identify and bring forward new blueprint information that supports your intentions.
Backstory on Body Wisdom Aura Spray
I first made this GEMFormula almost a year before it was released. A dear friend had bought an Aquamarine necklace worth over $10,000, and he offered to let me use it to make a GEMFormula so that others could benefit from his bounty. He suggested that a GEMFormula could substitute as an affordable way to make what he called “Aquamarine water.” He was right.
Yet, I hesitated to bring the formula to market. All I had learned about symbiotic gemstones made me feel that something about this formula was missing. It needed a symbiotic gemstone. At the same time, a thought quietly repeated in my head: The symbiote is Diamond. The voice was so quiet I barely heard it, and in truth, I didn’t pay attention to it. And so the Aquamarine gemandala sat on my shelf.
Finally, something shifted when someone asked me about the gemandala. “But what is the symbiote?”
“The symbiote is Diamond,” I heard myself reply. Just as the inner voice had told it to me. Incredibly, the same way I hadn’t heard it the first time, neither had my friend. “The symbiote IS Diamond,” I had to repeat.
Suddenly, the changes we wanted to make to the label came effortlessly, and the correct wording came to mind and felt comfortable. It was time to release this formula. It would be called Body Wisdom.
For the purpose of bringing greater awareness to the body’s blueprint wisdom, there are no better partners than Aquamarine and Diamond.
Only a day after the Body Wisdom Spray was officially released, the Guardian of Aquamarine finally revealed her gemstone symbiote, which is Mother of Pearl. I’m guessing she delayed sharing this information so that I wouldn’t be tempted to add it to the Body Wisdom gemandala.
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