When to Use
Use this spray to help clear your body and aura of harmful electromagnetic radiation frequencies, which can weaken tissue, inhibit cellular function, and interfere with normal energy flows in the body.
**Harmful electromagnetic radiation is emitted by computers, cell phones, motors, microwave ovens, and other electrical appliances.**
Use When You Are Feeling:
- Weakened in the vicinity of electromagnetic fields.
- Dermatological symptoms such as redness, tingling, and burning sensations.
- Symptoms typical of EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) such as fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations, and digestive disturbances.
- A range of non-specific, medically unexplained symptoms.
And When You Want to:
- Become more resilient to the effects of potentially harmful EMR.
- Build immunity to EMR, heal from damage caused by EMR, and protect yourself from further EMR damage.
- Clear harmful EMR residues from your body and aura.
- Maximize your health potential.
Ideal For People Who:
- Work with computers all day long.
- Live near sources of high electromagnetic radiation.
- Suspect they have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).
- Plan to become pregnant.
- Are trying to heal from another affliction.
Additional Benefits: Clear Therapeutic Gemstones and Crystals
You can also use the spray to clear electromagnetic radiation that therapeutic gemstone necklaces naturally accumulate during normal wear in areas of high electromagnetic fields, when stored too close to computers or other electronic devices, and when worn while you are holding a cell phone.
How to Use
Basic Self-Therapy
1. Hold the bottle above the top of your head, with the sprayer pointing upwards.
2. Spray 3 to 5 times directly upwards, allowing the mist to rain down around your body.
3. Pay attention to your physical and energetic condition before, during, and after using the spray.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Self-Therapy for Specific Areas
(to target a specific part of your body or a chakra)
1. Hold the bottle about arm’s length away from the targeted area,
with the sprayer pointing towards it.
2. Spray 2 or 3 times, the mist should fully surround the targeted area.
3. Next, hold the bottle at the targeted area, with the sprayer pointing directly away from it.
4. Spray 2 or 3 times, which will send the mist outwards and away from the targeted area.
Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.
Room Clearing
1. Standing in the center of the room spray upwards 3-5 times. As the mist falls, observe how the energies in the room become more uplifted and clear.
2. Spray down toward the Earth, and notice how the room’s energy becomes more anchored and grounded.
3. Move to each corner of the room, spraying towards both the ceiling and floor 2-3 times each. *For particularly large rooms, spray at halfway points between corners, focusing on where the wall meets the floor (spray downwards) and ceiling (spray upwards).
4. Spray around doorways, into closets, and anywhere else that you sense energy tends to settle.
5. Spray behind and underneath large or frequently used furniture, especially beds.
Perform this technique when you feel a room has developed negative or stagnating energy (1-3 times per month). This technique can also be applied to cars, offices, and other enclosed spaces.
*Always close your eyes when spraying around the face or head.
*Keep out of reach of children.
Comprehensive Clearing
The EMR Spray is used along with the Energy Clearing and 7-color-ray Diamond Spray in the 5-Step aura clearing procedure.
Learn about the 5-Step aura clearing procedure in this video:
Physical Ingredients:
Purified water, gemstone-infused organic grape alcohol.
Imprinted with the healing energies of these gemstones:
Yellow Sapphire
Pink Tourmaline
Blue Lace Agate
Lavender Quartz
7-color-ray Diamond
The gemstone mandala used to make EMR Clearing Spray:

This gemandala consists of the following healing gemstones:
Yellow Sapphire
Blue Lace Agate
Pink Tourmaline
7-color-ray Diamond
A Study of the EMR Clearing Gemstones:
The following healing gems comprise the gemstone mandala (gemandala™) used to make the EMR Clearing Aura Spray:
A therapeutic-quality 7-color-ray Diamond is placed in the center of this GEMFormula Aura Spray’s gemandala to help your body remember its blueprints of ideal health on all levels. Diamond helps your body recognize that EMR is simply another challenge to human evolution–a challenge that can be overcome so that our species can survive healthfully into the future. The EMR Clearing Spray helps us do this.
Yellow Sapphire
Yellow Sapphire not only helps your body accept all other color rays, but can retrain your DNA to adapt to new conditions–in this case, to an increase in solar and electromagnetic radiation. The presence of 8 Yellow Sapphire helps your body evolve toward this objective.
Chrysoprase, an apple-green gemstone, draws white light from its source beyond your atoms up through your molecules to nourish your cells and organs. In this gemandala, the circle of 8 Chrysoprase protects your cells and your subtle energies from the harmful effects of EMR. The number 8 urges your evolution, in this case, toward self-sufficiency, so that your body can eventually learn to be healthy in a high EMR environment without the need of gemstone support.
White Flash Moonstone is another gemstone whose energy works with your DNA, in this case, to protect and ensure accurate cellular division. It also nourishes your supraphysical aura, which is a natural energy field that closely envelopes your body as well as every cell. Your supraphysical aura intimately supports many of your body’s systems, especially the lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, and reproductive, as well as the connective tissue. The supraphysical aura is also the first defense against incoming EMR. This layer of the aura naturally absorbs, processes, and neutralizes harmful frequencies. It learned to do this over thousands of years of evolution, to protect us from solar and cosmic radiation. Eight Moonstone encourage the development and evolution of your supraphysical aura to serve you better.
Pink Tourmaline
This gemstone evokes natural feminine powers (within all of us), one of which is uncompromising protection. When you work with the EMR Protection spray, its Pink Tourmaline energy builds a shield in your aura against harmful radiation. Beneath this shield, your body can heal, while it also learns to adapt to its environment.
Blue Lace Agate
Six Blue Lace Agate gemstones lend the strength your entire being needs to make the evolutionary steps offered by this GEMFormula. The presence of 6 gems encourages self-mastery. This GEMFormula gives you the strength to master your health in an environment of EMR. Blue Lace Agate also strengthens your own unique frequencies. As they grow stronger and better defined, you are less likely to be affected by unwanted energies of any kind.
Lavender Quartz
Lavender Quartz is located at the north and south poles of this GEMFormula’s mandala. These positions correspond to the upper and lower ends of your spine. Lavender Quartz’s presence helps align the spine, which often subluxates when the body is stressed by EMR. In this case Lavender Quartz’s alignment capabilities also help reposition the layers of your aura, which tend to become disheveled by EMR levels you are unable to tolerate. The presence of Lavender Quartz in this GEMFormula aligns the layers of your aura and all aspects of your body and being. As a result, they can better divert unwanted energies and also receive the information this mandala imparts.
A single Aquamarine, positioned at a point that corresponds to your crown chakra, opens your awareness to the effects of electromagnetic radiation, and what your body needs to do to protect itself. This single gem helps your body govern how it will use the information presented by this GEMFormula. It can also help open your awareness to how much spray to use and where to apply it.
Learn More
Find out how and why we make our GEMFormulas aura sprays in this blog post.
Karen –
This would be perfect for my raynards and hypersensitivity to stimuli and inflammation