Gemstone Therapy Level 2
The diverse protocols taught in Gemstone Therapy Level 2 will allow you to meet a full spectrum of needs.
Level 2 classes teach in-person applications that you’ll learn to do remotely in GEM Level 3 • Self-therapy Level 2 students can register for the certification track at any time • Earn GTP credentials upon graduation.
Gem Level 2 classes have previously been taught only in live in-person workshops. I’m listing the courses here for your information and planning purposes. They are not yet available online.
GEM 222
Advanced Energy Clearing at Levels of Manifestation
As humans, we exist simultaneously at seven levels of manifestation: atomic, molecular, cellular, organ, system, whole body, and whole being. When we’re in the process of healing, symptoms may seem to go away. However, because we are multidimensional beings, true healing means resolving them at all seven levels. In this course, you’ll learn how to practice Gemstone Therapy—or any modality—specifically at any one of these levels. You’ll also learn how to use Level 1 techniques to focus on clearing any of the seven levels of manifestation.
Tools: Levels of Manifestation Sphere Pack, Clear Topaz Circles Set • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisite: GEM Level 1
GEM 223
Spectrum Balancing Chakras
Take what you learned in the GDI 122 “Applied Chakra Analysis” and Color Ray CR 105 to the next level when you learn about chakra spectrums and how to balance them for any issue or condition.
Tools: Color ray test circle, Chakra Guardian (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), Rising Light (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), one each of the seven color ray tools (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), Chakra Healing Spray • Tuition: $97 • Prerequisites: GDI 122, CR 105, GEM Level 1
GEM 225
Gemstone Therapy for Relationships
Learn how to evaluate the relationship spectrums between your client and another person, place, pet, or situation. Then practice assessing the evaluation to gain insight into the relationship dynamics that can help your client find clarity and resolution. Finally, learn how to use color ray tools to alleviate the color ray imbalances you’ve identified.
Tools: Color ray test circle, assorted spheres to make custom gemandalas, Chakra Guardian (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), one each of the seven color ray tools (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), Chakra Healing Spray • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisites: GEM Level 1, GEM 223
GEM 226
Gemstone Therapy for Couples
Learn how to evaluate the relationship spectrums between two people. Then practice assessing the evaluation to gain insight into the relationship dynamics that can help your clients find clarity and resolution. Finally, learn how to use color ray tools to alleviate the color ray imbalances you’ve identified.
Tools: Color ray test circle, assorted spheres to make custom gemandalas, Chakra Guardian (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), one each of the seven color ray tools (in necklace, bracelet, or gemandala form), Chakra Healing Spray • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisites: GEM Level 1, GEM 223
GEM 227
Target Area Protocol
Learn various ways to focus gemstone energies at local areas of pain, injury, or malfunction to support healing and restoration. This course covers procedures for maximizing the healing potential at a target area, as well as for rebooting intelligence centers, retrieving information about health from the past or future, and renewing the energetic matrix of a target area to revitalize its underlying structure.
Tools: Lightening or Spark necklace, Opalite & Golden Beryl or Mother Opal necklace, assorted spheres to make custom gemandalas, Spessartite and Rhodolite 8-packs • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisite: GEM Level 1
GEM 228
Condition Placement Protocol
In this course, you’ll learn how to gather the energies of life issues so that you can work with them directly and specifically, as you would with a physical target area. To lend focus to your work, you’ll also discover how to isolate the emotional, causal, or mental energies associated with a condition so you can work with them exclusively.
Tools: Assorted spheres to make custom gemandalas, tools for GEM 223 (optional) • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisite: GEM Level 1
GEM 229
Belief Renewal Protocol
Discover the energetic nature and power of beliefs and how to release the anchors that keep the negative ones bound to us. You’ll learn two protocols in this course: the Belief Renewal Protocol, for replacing a limiting belief with a more freeing one, and the Belief Fortifying Protocol, for more firmly establishing a new, healthier belief.
Tools: Body Wisdom Aura Spray, eight 6mm Mother of Pearl, assorted spheres to make custom gemandalas • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisite: GEM Level 1
GEM 239
Systems Protocol
Discover the 20 systems of the body, their window point locations, and the healing gemstones that vitalize them. As we examine essential body functions from an energetic viewpoint, you’ll learn how your body’s systems can get out of balance when you’re not feeling well, how to renew healthy relationships among them, and how to restore the autonomy of each individual system.
Tools: Systems Vitalizing Sphere Set, Body Wisdom Spray • Tuition: $197 • Prerequisite: GEM Level 1
Practitioner Certification Registration with Personal Mentor
We offer personal mentoring services for those who want to earn practitioner certification in Gemstone Therapy. Your GTI mentor will review your study guides for all required Level 2 courses, answer your questions, observe you giving a session via Zoom, and help you prepare for your final practitioner review. Includes private and additional group coaching. You can join the certification track at any time after prerequisites are met, but we recommend starting when you begin Level 2 courses so you get support throughout your certification journey.
Tools: None • Registration fee: $1200 • Prerequisite: Gemstone Therapy Associate Practitioner certification
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