Ruby & Onyx Necklace

(9 customer reviews)


A Foundation Five necklace

Our Ruby & Onyx necklace helps settle your energies so that you can feel more grounded, integrated, and connected to the Earth. Wearing it also helps you make better decisions and move forward in life.

Great for:
Settling scattered thoughts and emotions • Supporting forward movement on your life path • Balancing the emotion of fear • Improving sleep quality

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Wear Ruby & Onyx When You Want to:

  • Settle your energies.
  • Become more connected to Earth energies.
  • Support forward movement on your life path.
  • Balance the emotion of fear.
  • Settle your heart into your body for better decision making.
  • Collect, inventory, and integrate your energies so that you can use them more efficiently.

“I received the necklace last week and I just have to tell you how wonderful it is–and how important it is to have a necklace like this–little by little I feel more grounded and more productive. The length is great too! I can wear it with just about any other gemstone necklace. I also feel the softness of the wood “clasp.” Also, the Ruby is absolutely sweet and I do feel it [the Onyx] is working in a way that wouldn’t be possible without it.”

– S.O., Arizona

Ruby & Onyx is one of our Foundation Five necklaces. This necklace may be used by itself or in combination with the other Foundation Five necklaces to naturally balance the body’s five elements.

Benefits of a Ruby-Onyx Necklace

Strengthens the Personal Vortex

The whole-body vortex, or personal vortex, surrounds the physical body and helps to keep the body’s cells and organs vitalized. Onyx, when worn by itself, is usually able to affect the personal vortex after the gemstone has been worn long enough to normalize chakra energies. This can take many months of regular wear. When chakras are overactive or underactive, the movement and effectiveness of the personal vortex is significantly reduced.

Strengthens and Heals the Root Chakra

An optimally healthy root chakra should be able to move, as though on a hinge, to face either forward or downward. Because the red ray nourishes the root chakra, the presence of the red-ray-bearer Ruby in this necklace allows Onyx to work more effectively and immediately on the root chakra.

Helps You Feel More Grounded

By itself, Onyx is well appreciated for its ability to help a wearer feel more grounded. It can also stabilize body energies so that other healing changes can occur more easily. With Ruby added to Onyx, grounding occurs more smoothly and gracefully. The body is able to settle into itself and connect with Earth energy with greater ease. This is due to Ruby’s influence on the whole-body vortex and the root chakra. With these functioning more effectively, grounding comes naturally.

Enhances Color-Ray Nourishment

I didn’t fully understand this aspect of Black Onyx until recently. The color black naturally absorbs colors. Black Onyx conveys this ability to the rest of the body, so that it can better receive the healing life-giving color rays. When you wear Onyx by itself, it can take awhile for the chakras to fully register this information as it is drawn upward in only a natural osmosis-type action. When Ruby is combined with Onyx, this upward movement is greatly enhanced because Ruby has an affinity with the heart. When Ruby-Onyx is worn, this information is actively drawn upwards by a magnetic-like action from the heart center, and the momentum sends it upward even to the throat, brow, and crown chakras. By itself, Onyx is unable to access the crown chakra.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is the only chakra that can reposition itself. It moves as though on a door hinge. This chakra can point to the front of the body as other chakras do, or it can turn and point to the Earth. In the frontal position, the root chakra helps regulate the other six chakras of the body to ensure no chakra is more energized or active than another. In the downward position, the root chakra is able to expel unwanted energies from the body into the Earth. The root chakra can also uptake Earth energy to feed the chakras. By repositioning itself as needed, the root chakra helps the body stay energetically balanced.

Your Personal Vortex

A cocoon of energy called the whole-body vortex surrounds each one of us. This vortex moves either clockwise or counterclockwise. Looking outward, a clockwise movement circles your body from left to right, and thus, a counterclockwise movement would go from right to left. The speed and strength of this vortex has to do with how much vitality and life energy your cells and organs express. As the vortex energy passes across your body, it creates a friction that produces an electrical charge. This charge feeds and stimulates all body functions. When the body is weakened, the personal vortex can shift directions or move so slowly that it is barely perceptible.

How Ruby & Onyx Works

The Ruby & Onyx combination represents both yin and yang aspects of the water element of Chinese Medicine. The water element supports functions that have reached a maximal state of rest and are about to change the direction of their activity. The water element also supports processes of rest, restoration, storage, endings, subconscious, intuition, deep reflection, and integration. This necklace can also help you balance the emotion of fear.

Onyx has an affinity with the root chakra and grounds your body by relaxing this chakra so that it isn’t always forced forward. A relaxed root chakra can flex downward, as though on a hinge, not only to help the body release toxins, but also to receive Earth energies and enter a deep relaxation. It also grounds by narrowing the range of scattered frequencies throughout the body, thereby urging these frequencies to become more true to themselves. When you wear Onyx by itself, it strengthens and normalizes the root chakra and helps to ground the body by connecting it with Earth energy. Onyx also absorbs colors and funnels them into your body through the root chakra.

Ruby vitalizes the heart by strengthening the torus-shaped magnetic field that encompasses and sustains the heart. A fire-element gemstone, Ruby’s presence in this necklace ignites heart energy, which governs all other organs in the body. It helps draw up through the body the Earth energies that Onyx invites into the body, thereby enhancing the effects of Onyx. Ruby carries the red ray, which nourishes, heals, and sustains the root chakra. Ruby also helps to heal and open the heart.

When combined with Onyx, Ruby catalyzes Onyx. This means that Ruby speeds up the effects of Onyx. Ruby not only nourishes the root chakra, it also prompts the heart to draw Onyx’s colors into the body in a magnetic-like way. Together, Ruby and Onyx can help to ground and nourish your body in a way that is gentler and deeply soothing. Wearing the Ruby-Onyx necklace leaves you feeling more integrated and better able to handle multi-tasking and the many challenges of life.

Element: Water

Association: Functions that have reached a maximal state of rest and are about to change the direction of their activity

Season: Winter

Organs/meridians: Kidney, urinary bladder

Colors: Black, dark blue, purple

Attributes of the water element: Rest, restoration, storage, endings, subconscious, intuition, deep reflection, integration

About Our Necklaces

Our necklaces comprise all the innovations in gemstone necklace therapy to ensure you have the most effective healing tools available.

  • Our gemstones are natural and therapeutic quality, which means they are at the top of their class in color, clarity, and brightness. Although quality parameters vary for each individual gemstone, we carefully select every bead to make sure you get the very best.
  • We use spheres and rondels because they evenly radiate the gemstones’ energies throughout the wearer’s body and aura.
  • All our necklaces are strung with symbiotic gemstones that catalyze, support, or strengthen the work of the primary gem. Not only do symbiotic necklaces work more effectively and efficiently, but they also feel better energetically and look more balanced and beautiful. A primary gem and its symbiotic encourage healthy relationships and can help balance the forces of yin and yang throughout your body and being.
  • All our necklaces have a clasp, which we feel is essential. When you open a clasp, the gems release a significant amount of unwanted energy they collected during use. The clasp also allows you to arrange the necklace in a spiral during storage so that the gems can regenerate themselves. In addition, clasps make it possible to wrap gems around a therapy wand to apply in the aura or lay the gemstones across your body for an easy and restful self-therapy.
  • We string using nylon thread. Nylon is strong, doesn’t fray or stretch like other threads, and is made of a simple chain of molecules. Nylon energy has a negligible effect on a therapeutic necklace.

For inquiries regarding custom necklaces or bracelets, please call 877-4GEM-GEM (877-443-6436) or email us at

Care and Cleansing

Cleansing Your Gemstones Using Clearing Sprays

Therapeutic gemstones naturally accumulate unwanted energies when you wear them. These energies are what the gems help your body to release, or what they naturally pick up from their environment either during use or when stored. If your necklaces aren’t cleansed completely or often enough, unwanted energies will build up. The gemstones’ therapeutic value will be limited, and you’ll no longer feel drawn to wear them.

While opening the clasp after use disperses the bulk of unwanted energies, the gemstones still must be regularly and thoroughly cleansed to remain beneficial to the wearer. As unwanted energies collect, they can make the necklace feel heavy and you’ll no longer feel like wearing it.

GEMFormulas clearing sprays are superior for cleansing and rejuvenating gemstones because they can clear energies that have collected not only from your body, but also from your emotions, memory, and mind.

Cleansing your gemstones with water does not clear energies from these subtle areas. Plus, frequent water cleansing can dull the surface of gems such as Mother of Pearl, Malachite, and Lapis. GEMFormulas clearing sprays are safe for all types of gemstones.

Storing Your Gemstones

Arrange your therapeutic gemstone necklaces and bracelets in neat spirals with their clasps open. This orientation concentrates the gemstones’ energies and helps rejuvenate them. Use a necklace tray to keep them organized and to keep the gemstone energies separated, so that it’s easier to select the right necklace. Store your therapeutic gemstone jewelry away from sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as laptops, television sets, and cell phones.