FAQs: Aura Sprays
What are gemstone aura sprays?
Gemstone aura sprays deliver healing gemstone energies to the aura. They are a mixture of water and organic grape alcohol that has been infused with healing gemstone energies using proprietary technology.
How do the sprays work?

A secret of the gemstone mandala is that it has holographic properties. When a spray is applied on the body, its energy field affects the target area, the cells involved, as well as the whole body and being. In the graphic on the far left, the target area is the stomach. The graphic in the middle shows our Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Clearing mandala infused into a cell. On the right, the mandala is clearing the entire body.
What do gemstone aura sprays do?
Each individual spray provides a unique benefit. For example, Energy Clearing Spray targets accumulations of unwanted energy in the body for the purpose of sponging it away, Emotional Upliftment Spray pools in the emotional body to help people make healthier emotional choices, and EMR Clearing Spray targets areas damaged by electromagnetic radiation to help the body become resilient to it.
What kinds of gemstones are used to make aura sprays?
We use a variety of medicinal-quality gemstones known for their therapeutic qualities.
How are the aura sprays made?
Actual gemstones are arranged into the mandala on a special plate. We attach the plate to a unique device invented in 2009 by Isabelle Morton, founder of the Gemstone Therapy Institute. The device is called a GEFI, or Gemstone Energy Field Imprinting Device. It imprints the gemstone energies between the molecules of the alcohol for lasting shelf life.
What is a gemstone mandala?
A mandala is a geometric design built for a specific purpose. When gemstones are used to make this design, we call it a gemstone mandala or “gemandala™.” The gemandalas we use to make our sprays were designed with the benefits and properties of the individual gemstones in mind, along with principles of sacred geometry and numerology. A graphic of the mandala we use for each aura spray is pictured on the bottle label. You can also view them on the individual spray pages.
How does the GEFI device work?
It transfers the entire energy field of the gemstone mandala from the plate into the organic grape alcohol between its molecules. The device employs the Earth’s natural geodetic forces. The resulting product is not contaminated by the EMR of electricity.
Do you add anything to the alcohol?
We add only water to a dilution of 20% alcohol.
What about fragrance or preservatives?
Although some people are able to sense the gemstone energies by their scent, we add no fragrance, additives, or preservatives to our gemstone aura sprays. They are purely water, alcohol, and the gemstone energies.
How do I use an aura spray?
Three or more times a day, hold the bottle above your head and spray upward. Let the mist rain down upon you. Spray toward your body at areas of need, then hold the bottle at these areas and spray away from them, directly into your aura. You can also spray toward your chakras and then away from them.
How should gemstone aura sprays be stored?
Keep them away from cell phones, computers, and other devices that emit electromagnetic radiation. Do not pass them through X-ray machines at TSA when traveling.
Why should I use gemstone aura sprays?
Use these sprays to feel lighter, brighter, clearer, and more like yourself. Gemstones provide essential life-giving energies that we use daily but that cannot be replaced by food or medicine. The more disconnected you feel from yourself and the Earth, the more ungrounded you feel, and the more you sense that you’ve taken on other people’s thoughts, energies, or influence, the more you can benefit from using gemstone aura sprays. The sprays are particularly effective for clearing unwanted energies.
Do I need gemstone aura sprays?
Gemstone energies are particularly helpful for those who feel depleted, exhausted, and unmotivated, as well as those who are energetically sensitive, empathic, and in tune with their bodies. Energy workers can use the sprays to release unwanted energies they may have picked up during the day. Aura sprays can help their clients, too. The Energy Clearing Spray is essential for those who work in challenging environments where unwanted or negative energies abound, such as hospitals and prisons.