Aura Protection Spray


You know when you feel vulnerable. You sense your boundaries have been crossed, you tire more easily, and may feel as though you are coming down with something. GEMFormulas’ Aura Protection Spray shores up your boundaries and provides a safe space for healing. (Scroll down for more information.)

Your aura is yours: Protect it.


When to Use

Use Aura Protection Spray When You Are Feeling:

  • Vulnerable and unprotected.
  • Susceptible to outside influences.
  • Unusually tired or worn out.
  • As though you are “coming down with something.”
  • The target of other people’s anger or jealousy.
  • Overwhelmed with pressure put on you by other people.

And When You Want to:

  • Protect yourself against negative energies.
  • Strengthen and clarify your boundaries.
  • Strengthen your immune vitality.
  • Age more gracefully.
  • Find peace and quiet within yourself.
  • Strengthen your resistance to foreign energies.

Ideal For People Who:

  • Work in an environment of stressful or negative energy.
  • Have difficulty healing.
  • Struggle with weak boundaries.
  • Get sick often or easily.
  • Need a safe space for healing.
  • Are constantly getting attacked.

Use this formula to fortify the protective nature of your aura, so that you are less susceptible to infections, allergens, and the negative thoughts and feelings of others. It has a particular affinity for the tissues typically vulnerable to outside energies such as your lungs, eyes, ears, sinuses, throat, stomach, skin, and urinary and reproductive systems.

How to Use

Basic Self-Therapy:

1. Hold the bottle above the top of your head, with the sprayer pointing upwards.

2. Spray 3 to 5 times directly upwards, allowing the mist to rain down around your body.

3. Pay attention to your physical and energetic condition before, during, and after using the spray.

Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.

Self-Therapy for Specific Areas:

(To target a specific part of your body or a chakra.)

1. Hold the bottle about arm’s length away from the targeted area,
with the sprayer pointing towards it.

2. Spray 2 or 3 times, the mist should fully surround the targeted area.

3. Next, hold the bottle at the targeted area, with the sprayer pointing directly away from it.

4. Spray 2 or 3 times, which will send the mist outwards and away from the targeted area.

Perform this technique 3-5 times per day for best results.

*Always close your eyes when spraying around the face or head.
*Keep out of reach of children.

For More Techniques:

Download Free Self-Therapies PDF Here.


Physical Ingredients:

Purified water, gemstone-infused organic grape alcohol.

Imprinted with the Healing Energies of these Gemstones:

Blue Topaz
Red Spinel
Yellow Sapphire
White Beryl
Green Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
Dark Green Aventurine
7-color-ray Diamond


The Gemstone Mandala used to Make Aura Protection Spray:

This Gemandala Consists of:

Fourth Circle:
60 Moonstone

Third Circle:
25 Bloodstone

Second Circle (starting from the top):
Amethyst, Spessartite, Blue Topaz, Red Spinel, Yellow Sapphire, White Beryl, Green and Pink Tourmaline, and another Amethyst.

First Circle (which is technically a square):
Emerald and Dark Green Aventurine

7-Color-Ray Therapy Diamond

A Study of the Aura Protection Gemstones:

Four circles of gemstones characterize the gemandala used to make this GEMFormula. The number four directs the benefits of this gemandala’s energy field to the physical body.

Fourth Circle:  Moonstone

A circle of 60 Moonstones forms the outer perimeter of this gemandala. Moonstone strengthens the aura and in this case fortifies its defensive, shielding function. The number 60 is associated with longevity. When combined with Moonstone, which supports youthfulness, this number of gems vitalizes the life force within your body and its ability to overcome infection of any kind.

Moonstone works with the DNA to replicate cells correctly. Combined with its focus on youthfulness and the influence of the number 60, this replication can take place from a younger pattern of genetic material.

This circle of Moonstone also offers protective support for fragile or vulnerable emotions. It can strengthen your boundaries against negative energies or the experience of being encroached upon, allowing you to stand up for yourself with more confidence.

Third Circle: Bloodstone

Bloodstone supports the immune system by normalizing the body’s ecology. A normalized body ecology has a proper pH, balanced blood chemistry, a good symbiotic relationship with friendly bacteria, and a healthy balance of electrolytes.

Second Circle: System Support

This circle consists of gemstones that vitalize the systems associated with immune function. These particular systems also tend to harbor infection. By taking the Immune Health GEMFormula, the gemstone energies in this third circle will support the vitality of their corresponding systems, making them less prone to infection.

Amethyst supports the nervous system, Spessartite the endocrine system, Blue Topaz the sensory organs (including the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat), Red Spinel the respiratory system, Yellow Sapphire the digestive system, White Beryl the lymphatic system, and Green and Pink Tourmaline the reproductive system. The Tourmalines support the urinary system by proximity.

First Circle: Cellular Detoxification

This circle is actually a square formation comprised of Emerald and Dark Green Aventurine. These two gemstones are unparalleled for assisting cells to clear themselves of toxins, which can include viral DNA, and the toxic wastes of bacteria as well as that of dying yeast. This detoxification process provides essential support for the immune system.

The number four plays a significant role here. In this fourth circle, four Emerald and four Dark Green Aventurine form a square. The number four focuses the gemandala’s energies on physical body healing.

Central Gem: 7-Color-Ray Diamond

A therapeutic, 7-color-ray Diamond is placed in the center of this gemandala. Its purpose is to evoke and clear your inherent blueprints for optimal function. When placed in this gemandala these effects support the intention of the other gemstones in the gemandala. Diamond encourages the immune system and other targeted systems to recognize their blueprints of optimal health and follow them more closely during cellular division.


Watch the videos below for more instructions on GEMFormulas’ Aura Protection Spray.

Here is a way to use GEMFormulas’ Aura Protection Spray for Aches and Pains:

Here is a Boundary Strengthening Technique using GEMFormulas Aura Protection Spray:

This Gemstone Therapy Technique to Improve Aura Strength and Resilience uses the Aura Protection Spray and the Energy Clearing Spray.


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